Assassination attempt against Cristina Kirchner | The last hour of the attack against the vice president of Argentina, live

What is known up to the time of the attack on Cristina Kirchner? What happened? An armed man has tried to assassinate the vice president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, around 9:00 p.m. (local time) this Thursday in Buenos Aires. The man pointed a loaded pistol at the former president’s head as she tried to dodge a crowd to enter her home. The gun was loaded with five bullets, according to authorities, but none went off. Who was the attacker? Fernando Andre Sabag Montiel, a 35-year-old Argentine nationalized Brazilian. He had been arrested on March 17, 2021, when the police saw him sitting in a car without the rear license plate. The agents’ report describes that, when opening the door to show his documents, a 35-centimeter knife fell out, which he said he used to defend himself. What is Kirchner’s state of health? The Argentine vice president, after being pointed at with the weapon, was unharmed in the attack. The 380-caliber pistol that he fired on the former president’s forehead did not have a bullet in her exit chamber. The man had loaded a cartridge with five shots, but he did not have the pistol ready to fire. The authorities, who arrested him on the spot, still do not explain why he failed. What did the president say? Alberto Fernández, the Argentine president, offered a message to the nation where he assured that “the attack on Cristina Kirchner is the most serious since we have recovered our democracy.” And he added: “Argentina cannot lose another minute. There is no time. It is necessary to ban violence.”