Cristina Fernández: what is known about Fernando Sabag Montiel, the suspect of pointing a gun at the Argentine vice president

Editorial BBC News World2 hours Image source, Getty Images Photo caption, A man was arrested after the incident. A Brazilian identified as Fernando André Sabag Montiel is, according to the Argentine police, suspected of having pointed a gun at Vice President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner this Thursday night in Buenos Aires. Images broadcast by television channels in the country show the moment in which a subject with a gun points Kirchner upon arriving at his residence in the Recoleta neighborhood after a session in the Senate. The motivations and circumstances behind the event that the ruling party has presented as an “attempted assassination” are not clear at the moment. In the images it seems that the individual pulls the trigger without the weapon working. Montiel, 35, was carrying a Bersa 380 pistol -made in Argentina- loaded with five bullets, according to the Federal Police. The action of the man, who wore a black cap and a face mask, caught the attention of supporters of the former president They grabbed him in the middle of the crowd, according to images from local radio stations. At the time they caught him, he tried to run away, but they grabbed him by the shirt near the building where Fernández lives. The man was arrested and taken to a police station in the city of Buenos Aires. The state agency Télam later indicated that the suspect was taken to the Investigations Superintendence of the Argentine Federal Police in the Villa Lugano neighborhood for questioning. Image source, RENAPER “The gun is not it worked”According to police sources, he had already been detained by the police in March 2021 when he was carrying a knife.President Alberto Fernández made a speech on national television shortly after the attack in which he assured that the weapon had five bullets and that Fernández is alive because the pistol did not work. The president declared a holiday this Friday after what happened. Hundreds of supporters of Fernández de Kirchner have been around her residence for days, after the Prosecutor’s Office requested 12 years in prison for her and disqualification from holding public office for alleged corruption. Remember that you can receive notifications from BBC News Mundo. Download the new version of our app and activate it so you don’t miss out on our best content.