Almost 7,000 Navarran companies will be able to apply for the 6,000-euro voucher to go digital – Noticias de Navarra

Almost 7,000 companies with between three and nine workers in Navarra will be able to request the 6,000 euros of aid for their digitization, through the second call for the Digital Kit that starts this Friday, September 2. This was announced yesterday at a press conference by the Government Delegate, José Luis Arasti. The deadline for submitting applications will remain open for twelve months. The Digital Kit is a program managed by, an entity attached to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through the Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence; and it is endowed with a budget of 3,067 million and financed by the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain Next Generation EU within the framework of the Digital Spain agenda and the 2021-2025 SME Digitization Plan. The program has a catalog with different digitization solutions, which the applicant will consult to choose in which of them the aid granted will be invested. The list includes: process management to digitize and automate business developments related to operational or production aspects; the creation of a web page; electronic commerce; the construction of a web page that includes an environment for the sale of products and services in digital media; the coordination of networks to support SMEs or the self-employed in promoting their business on this type of platform; customer management through digitizing and optimizing business relationships; business intelligence and analytics to improve decision-making processes based on more detailed studies of the data; virtual office services and tools to implement interactive solutions that favor efficient collaboration in the workforce; the electronic invoice; secure communications for connections between employee devices and the business, and cybersecurity on employee and employee devices. In addition, in this second call, two new categories are added, such as advanced presence on the internet and marketplace. Interested companies must follow the following steps: register in the private area of ​​the website and complete the digital self-diagnosis test; consult the information available on the digitization solutions of the Digital Kit program (mentioned above), where you can choose one or more of those indicated in the catalogue; and request assistance at the electronic office. In briefAlmost a thousand applications from companies with between ten and less than 50 employees. Since March, companies with between ten and less than 50 workers have been able to access these bonuses, in their case of 12,000 euros. The first call for the Digital Kit ends on Thursday, September 15. Arasti pointed out that so far more than 940 applications have been received in the Foral Community and more than 280 aids have been granted to date, which is equivalent to more than three million euros from the Next Generation EU funds.