Mexico returned to the economic state it had before the pandemic, AMLO said in his government report

López Obrador: Inequality and poverty have been reduced in Mexico 1:33 (CNN Spanish) — The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said on Thursday that despite the many obstacles that the country has faced in recent years , including the war in Ukraine and the covid-19 pandemic, “the country is on the right track.” López Obrador delivered his fourth government report in Mexico City, laying out the achievements of his administration as he entered the last half of his term. “Even with the serious external problems we have faced, such as the pandemic and the war in Ukraine that has precipitated the economic crisis in the world, in our country the data indicates that we are improving,” said López Obrador, adding: “Our economy fell, but we managed to recover pre-Covid levels.” The president indicated that two factors have helped the country, “the strategy of supporting the lower class and the advantages of the T-MEC (…) the increase in remittances sent by our compatriots, have improved the economic situation of the population more of the country”. “Since we assumed the Peso has not been devalued and has been in the top three places in the world for its strength against the dollar.” The president pointed out that investments have been made in the energy sector and recalled the purchase of the Deer Park refinery in Texas, “which is now owned by the nation.” Why is AMLO looking for the National Guard to be part of the Defense? 1:15 AMLO, as he is often called, said that official data shows that his government has reduced the number of homicides by 2.82%, “and so far this year, the decrease is estimated at 10.4%” This statement contrasts with data from independent organizations such as Article 19, which show that violence against the press is on the rise in Mexico or, where at least 15 journalists have been killed so far this year, the highest figure in more than 20 years. In his speech, López Obrador accused the media of being “sensationalists” and of working hand in hand with conservative politicians to discredit his administration. “Mexico recovers its prestige in the world; the State is no longer the main violator of human rights. (…) We are winning the battle against racism, classism and discrimination. Freedom of expression and the right to dissent are guaranteed like never before,” said López Obrador.