Jean-Jacques Goldman breaks the silence: touched, he delivers his emotions in an unveiled letter

The years have passed since he retired from public life in 2016, but Jean-Jacques Goldman came out of silence, this Thursday, September 1, 2022. And as always for a good cause, which is close to his heart. Indeed, the 70-year-old singer, who lives a peaceful life between London and Marseille, sent a beautiful message to students who upset him. It was on France Bleu that Céline Ledru, librarian professor at the Albert Camus college in Alsace, who revealed the news. “Congratulations to all for this great song TOGETHER! To the students of Albert Camus, to the teachers, to the musicians and to the directors! The project and the song are good! Thank you! Friendly. JJG”, shared the former leader of the Enfoirés. Visibly very moved by this project, a clip made by students with disabilities called Together, with the aim of changing the view of others on disabilities, Jean-Jacques Goldman therefore wanted to thank all the college students, with this letter. If he was made aware of the existence of this project, it was by the teachers of the establishment. “I know that he is sensitive to everything related to education and difference. We had sent him the model of the project at the start and he was touched by the texts written by the children”, explained Céline Ledru, to our colleagues. As reported by BFMTV, the one who lives in London with his family has therefore returned to the front of the stage with this beautiful message. A loving father of six Jean-Jacques Goldman is all the more touched because he is the father of six children. Caroline Goldman is the eldest of the French singing superstar’s first three children. The first of three children that the singer will have with psychologist Catherine Morlet, with Michael (born in 1979), co-founder of the My Major Company label, and soon to be director of Star Academy for his return, and Nina (born in 1985), today today pediatrician. Divorced since 1997, Jean-Jacques Goldman remarried Nathalie Thu Huong-Lagier, with whom he had three daughters, Maya (2004), Kimi (2005) and Rose (2007).