Fico again criticized the government and the president, he sees only one solution: He invited a special guest to the meeting – Nový Čas

On Thursday, the Smer-SD party organized a meeting against price increases and for early parliamentary elections in the center of Košice. More than 2,000 people came to the event on the occasion of the Slovak Constitution Day. The party addressed a call from the assembly to the President of the Slovak Republic, Zuzana Čaputová, to declare a referendum on the fall of the government on October 29, the day of municipal and regional elections. Representatives of Smer-SD repeatedly criticized the government of Eduard Heger (OĽANO) and the president in their speeches. They rejected the European sanctions against Russia for the war against Ukraine as “nonsense”. The leader of the party, Robert Fico, called the price increase the biggest current challenge. “Early parliamentary elections are the only democratic solution to get this country out of the crisis,” he declared, pointing to the coalition crisis. The chairman of the Slovak National Party (SNS) Andrej Danko spoke as a guest at the event. “I am convinced that we must unite before the next election,” he said. The meeting was held on the Main Square near the Immaculata statue. In addition to Slovak flags, the symbol of Russia could also be seen in the crowd.