More than 2,180 companies in Malaga request the help of the digital kit for SMEs and the self-employed – Málaga Hoy

A total of 2,181 companies with between ten and less than 50 employees have requested in Malaga the help of the digital kit for SMEs and the self-employed promoted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation to promote the digitization of small businesses, micro-businesses and the self-employed, and contribute thus to modernize the Spanish productive fabric. Companies from Malaga that have already applied for this aid, 51.4%, will receive a total of 26.17 million euros and will be able to access bonuses of 12,000 euros with which to acquire solutions to improve their level of digitization (web page, positioning on the internet and social networks, electronic billing, cybersecurity, among others), as reported by the Government Subdelegation. The application period will remain open until September through the electronic headquarters of (, they have specified in a statement. On the other hand, this Friday, September 2, the second phase of the call opens, that is, the term for companies that have between three and nine average staff workers. These may benefit from up to 6,000 euros in digitization services. The sub-delegate of the Government in Malaga, Javier Salas, has encouraged businessmen in the province to apply for this aid and has highlighted that “the digital kit is a great example of how recovery funds are reaching the territory with an impact on people, entrepreneurs and in companies, especially SMEs”. “The key to this program and its success is that we have managed to simplify bureaucratic procedures and provide support in the processes to SMEs that decide to start their digital transformation process,” said Salas. In order to facilitate access to aid as much as possible, the figure of the ‘voluntary representative’ has been enabled so that any duly authorized third party can request aid on behalf of the SME. This can be any natural or legal person and includes both managers and the attached digitizing agents who, in turn, may be the providers of the technological service. The catalog of digitizing agents currently has about 3,000 entities and is constantly being updated given that 500 digitizing agents will be added to it weekly, following the order in which the applications are submitted and once the possible corrections are resolved, they have reported from the Government. Endowed with a total budget of 3,067 million euros, Digital Kit is financed by the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of Spain Next Generation EU within the framework of the Digital Spain agenda and the 2021-2025 SME Digitization Plan, and has The objective is to digitize SMEs and the self-employed throughout the national territory from all productive sectors over the next three years. Interested companies can access all the information on the website and on the phone 900 909 001, and also receive advice in person at the Acelera pyme offices distributed throughout the Spanish geography.