Passenger car registrations in Andalusia fell by 3.5% in August –

In Andalusia, 5,592 passenger cars were registered in August, 3.7% less than in the same month of 2021 ABC Between January and August, 14.5% fewer passenger cars were registered than in the same period of 2021 Sales of hybrids and electricity have grown in all provinces since the beginning of the year 09/01/2022 Updated at 8:50 p.m. In Andalusia, 5,592 passenger cars were registered last August, 3.7% less than in the same month of 2021, according to Faconauto. Passenger car registrations in Andalusia represented 10.8% of the total for Spain. Despite the poor results, Andalusia is one of the regions where registrations have fallen the least, since some communities suffered decreases of up to two digits, such as Extremadura (-25.8%), Aragón (-17.9%) or Navarre (-12.4%). By contrast, there are regions that have experienced significant growth in registrations last month, such as Madrid (+28.3%), the Canary Islands (+13.8%) or the Balearic Islands (+13.2%). From January to August, 53,082 passenger cars were sold in Andalusia, 8% less than in the same period last year. In all the autonomous communities, except in the Balearic Islands (+24.7%) and the Canary Islands (+32.2%), registrations fell so far this year, with the decreases in Aragón (-244%) or Country being especially striking. Basque (-18.7%). Of the 5,592 passenger cars that were registered in Andalusia in August, 2,644 were gasoline and 884 diesel. Sales of gasoline passenger cars fell by 0.86 compared to the previous month, and those of diesel by 3.55%. On the other hand, hybrid sales grew by 4.1%, to 1,685, and electric sales by 7.7%, reaching 320. In Spain, the month of August registered a 9.1% increase in registrations passenger cars and SUVs compared to the same month of the previous year, with a total of 51,907 units. During the last month, the market grew, but a change in trend is not expected, given the current economic context with inflation at 10.4% and geopolitical tensions. In fact, the data for the last month is 30.3% lower than the 74,490 passenger cars sold in August 2019, when a serious pandemic was not expected. As for the accumulated figure for the year to August, sales of passenger cars and SUVs totaled a drop of 9.4% compared to the same period of the previous year, with 533,042 units. Report a bug