Video | So it was, mile by mile, the moment of the collision of the OS-35 with another ship anchored in Gibraltar –

The ship OS 35 is already sinking and releasing fuel off the coast of Cádiz after colliding, off Gibraltar, with another ship. In an extremely dangerous situation and while information is still being collected and there is already a detainee, a video shows how the collision took place. The hit was precisely between the bulk carrier OS-35 and the methane carrier Adam LG when the former was maneuvering to leave Gibraltar, which has caused the first of them to be stranded about 700 meters in front of Catalan Bay. At the moment of the video you can see how the OS 35, at first quite far from the other boat, turns and moves towards the boat. In a final turn that due to the trajectory seems quite abrupt, the accident occurs. The ship, loaded with steel bars, was carrying 183 tons of heavy fuel oil, 250 tons of diesel oil and 27 tons of lubricating oil at the time of the collision, since was leaving Gibraltar to go to Vlissingen in the Netherlands. For his part, the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo, assured this Thursday that the ship OS-35 once it had the impact was asked to stop, but ” did not stop, did not follow Gibraltar’s instructions and said that there was no damage”. The ship “went out to the Strait to continue its journey and once in the Strait, contrary to Gibraltar’s instructions, the entry of water into the ship It was such that the captain was unable to continue his journey and then had to accept the instructions of the Captaincy of Gibraltar”, he assured. In those circumstances, one person has been arrested. The Junta de Andalucía has declared the pre-emergency phase, given the possible risk that the coastline may be affected by a polluting spill. An environmental sensitivity map is being drawn up to determine the best location for preventive barriers along the coast of Gibraltar and to protect Gibraltarian and Spanish beaches. It seems clear that it is necessary for the Government of the Rock to understand and coordinate with Spain and with the Junta de Andalucía. In this regard, Ecologists in Action has criticized the Government of Gibraltar because “it has been able to act without sufficient technical data at its disposal”. For this reason, they ask that the Spanish Government supervise the entire operation after the hull ruptured.