When are the next presidential elections in Mexico?

Analysis: If the Mexican opposition unites, they have a choice in 2024 2:29 (CNN Spanish) — In Mexico, eyes are already on the 2024 presidential elections despite the fact that Andrés Manuel López Obrador has just under two years left in charge. This is due in large part to the fact that the public debate has already begun about who could be the possible candidates of Morena, the ruling party, to contend for the presidency of the country, while, from the opposition, there are no clear strong names at the moment. But when are the next presidential elections held in Mexico? Here we tell you the details: The 2024 presidential elections in Mexico On June 2, 2024, Mexicans are summoned to the polls to elect a new president or president, who will be the successor or successor of AMLO. It is estimated that about 90 million people turn out to vote, considering that at the beginning of August 2022 the nominal list was made up of 93,406,149, according to the National Electoral Institute (INE) of Mexico. In the 2024 election, the Morena, National Action (PAN), Institutional Revolutionary (PRI), Democratic Revolution (PRD), Citizen Movement (MC), Green Ecologist of Mexico (PVEM) and the Labor Party (PT). In the 2024 contest, the entire Mexican Congress will also be renewed: 128 senators and 500 federal deputies will be elected. In addition, eight governorships and the head of government of Mexico City will be renewed. Will there be a new electoral reform or will they follow the same rules? In April of this year, President López Obrador sent an initiative to Congress to reform Mexico’s electoral system that, if approved, would make changes to the way Mexicans elect their representatives. On August 25, the Citizen Parliament ended, a series of forums in which the parties discussed the possible electoral reform. The initiative consists of profound changes that range from the modification of the INE to the reduction of legislators in both chambers. The goal, according to López Obrador, is to improve the quality of democracy in Mexico and lower the costs of the entire system. To be approved in Congress, a qualified majority is required, but his Morena party and its allies would not have it, since opposition deputies and senators assured that, as it is written, the electoral reform will be rejected, as happened with the reform initiative to the electrical law. The race towards the 2024 presidential elections Although it is still too early to clearly glimpse the panorama of the 2024 elections, bets on the presidential succession in the country have intensified for some time, especially among the ranks of Morena. First with Claudia Sheinbaum, the head of the Government of Mexico City, stating that Mexico has long been ready to have a female president. He did it while he was on a tour of some states in the country last year and ahead of the electoral times marked “clearly” by law, María Marván Laborde, a former electoral counselor from Mexico, told CNN in November 2021. Since then the name of Sheinbaum occupies a space among the surveys carried out by the media for 2024 alongside another possible contender for Morena’s presidential candidacy, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard. Ebrard initially resisted speaking openly about his intentions to run in the party’s internal poll, but at the end of last year he confirmed that when the time came he would stand as a pre-candidate for the ruling party to seek the presidency in 2024. “Of course I am interested in it and it is something that has been my life commitment. There is no way that I say no, but I ask you to be clear that what we have to do today is carry out our responsibilities and in two years, when we are called to participate We will be there,” the foreign minister said in a telephone interview with journalist Joaquín López Dóriga. To choose its candidate for the 2024 presidential elections, Morena said that it will bet on conducting a survey next year, in mid-2023. “Once the registration is closed, all those who aspire will undergo an evaluation by the National Council of Morena. . This National Council will issue a number X let’s say of semifinalists who will participate in a first survey. The best positioned of that survey will go to a second, last and definitive survey from which it will emerge who will be the one responsible for giving continuity to President López Obrador’s project,” said party president Mario Delgado, on W Radio. From the alliance opposition Va por México, made up of PAN, PRI and PRD, several names have entered the public discussion, although with no such clear leadership yet: Ricardo Anaya, former candidate for the presidency in 2018, Alfredo del Mazo, governor of the State of Mexico , Mauricio Kuri, governor of Querétaro, Luis Donaldo Colosio, mayor of Monterrey, Enrique Alfaro, governor of Jalisco, Lilly Téllez, senator of the PAN, among others.This alliance is made up of three parties with completely opposite ideologies that since their resounding individual failure in 2018 they seek how to combine their logos to beat López Obrador With information from Gabriela Frías, Carmen Aristegui, Mario González and Kiarinna Parisi