The Constitution celebrates its 30th anniversary, has many milestones and changes behind it –

The Slovak Constitution was adopted on September 1, 1992. PHOTO: TASR/Dano Veselský The first constitution in our territory was the March Constitution of Bratislava. The Constitution underwent changes even during the time of socialism. Significant changes were incorporated only after the Gentle Revolution. The first constitution adopted in our territory dates back to 1848, when the Hungarian Parliament adopted the Bratislava March Constitution. It is the first constitution in this sense in the Austrian monarchy. In its sense, Austria and Hungary were supposed to be a personal union, which is connected by the person of the emperor. In September of that year, representatives of the Slovak nation founded the Slovak National Council in Vienna with Jozef Miloslav Hurban. The one in Myjava declares Slovak independence, denounces the state union with the Hungarians, obedience to the Hungarian government and calls the people for a national uprising. Thus, the Slovak National Council also rejects the resolutions of the Hungarian Diet, including the March Constitution. In the revolutionary years 1848 to 1849, the Slovak nation sided with the emperor. This article is for subscribers only.
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