The moment that most of the world was waiting for: the head of the IAEA after visiting the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant – Nový Čas

The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, said on Thursday that the UN watchdog agency “remains” after Thursday’s visit to the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZAES) in southern Ukraine. TASR informs about it based on the AFP report. On Thursday, Grossi led a team of inspectors that visited the Zaporozhye power plant, whose shelling in recent weeks has raised concerns. “Today we achieved something very important, which is that the IAEA remains here. Let the world know that the IAEA remains in Zaporozhye,” Grossi said in a video published by Russian media. On Wednesday, the head of the IAEA proposed the establishment of a permanent IAEA mission in Ukraine, which would monitor ZAES. “I think that in these few hours we were able to put together a lot – a lot of information. I saw the important things that I needed to see,” Grossi told Russian media accompanying the IAEA inspection team at ZAES. Grossi further pointed to the “dedicated work” of the employees and managers of the power plant, who carry out their professions “despite very difficult circumstances”. The head of the IAEA did not say how many members of his team and how long they will stay at the power plant, writes AFP. According to Reuters reporters, several members of the IAEA inspection team left the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant on Thursday after spending several hours at the plant. The Interfax agency reported that four of the nine vehicles belonging to the inspection delegation left the power plant site. The Ukrainian state-owned company Enerhoatom, which operates the plant, later said that Grossi, among others, had left the plant. According to Enerhoatom, five representatives of the IAEA will probably remain at the nuclear power plant until September 3, writes Reuters. IAEA inspectors arrived on Thursday at the Russian-controlled Zaporozhye nuclear power plant in southeastern Ukraine. According to Grossi, international experts should stay at the power plant for “several days” and then issue a report on their findings.