The Constitution is celebrating its birthday: MPs approved it exactly 30 years ago – Nový Čas

Four months before the establishment of the independent Slovak Republic (SR), which was established on January 1, 1993 after the dissolution of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic (ČSFR), the Slovak National Council (SNR) approved the Constitution of the Slovak Republic 30 years ago. Its adoption on September 1, 1992 has been commemorated since 1994 as a national holiday – the Day of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic. The approval of the constitution was preceded by an act related to the adoption of the Declaration on the Sovereignty of the Slovak Republic. It was approved by the Slovak parliament on July 17, 1992, at a time when Slovakia was still part of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic (ČSFR) and negotiations were held between the Czech and Slovak political representatives on the further arrangement of the union between Slovaks and Czechs. The adoption of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic moved this process towards an agreement on the partition of Czechoslovakia. Already at the beginning of August 1992, the Slovak legislature began to discuss the draft of the new Slovak constitution. At the meeting of the Slovak and Czech political representatives in Villa Tugendhat in Brno on August 26, 1992, the Czech Prime Minister Václav Klaus and the Slovak Prime Minister Vladimír Mečiar decided definitively on the dissolution of the CSFR as of January 1, 1993. The SNR deputies approved the Constitution of the Slovak Republic on September 1, 1992 after 10:00 p.m. in public voting. Of the 134 deputies present, 114 voted for, 16 against and four abstained. Just before the vote, deputies for the Hungarian Christian Democratic Movement (MKDH) and Coexistence (Együttelés) left the hall to protest against the non-acceptance of their amendments to the issue of national minorities. With the adoption of the constitution, the Slovak Republic was established as a sovereign, democratic legal state in the form of a parliamentary democratic republic. The new Slovak constitution was signed on September 3, 1992 in the Knights’ Hall of Bratislava Castle by the President of the SNR Ivan Gašparovič and the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Vladimír Mečiar, in the presence of the President of the Federal Assembly Michal Kováč, the Prime Minister of Czechoslovakia Jan Stráský, the President of the Czech National Council (ČNR) Milan Uhde and other guests . In honor of the new constitution, 21 artillery salvos were fired and fireworks were held on the Danube embankment. The Constitution of the Slovak Republic entered into force on October 1, 1992, and from that date the new name of the Slovak legislature – the National Council of the Slovak Republic (NRSR) – entered into force. The Constitution of the Slovak Republic consists of a preamble and nine chapters. During its existence, it underwent several amendments, namely in 1998, 1999, 2001, 2004 (two amendments), 2005, 2006 (two amendments), 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014 (two amendments), 2015, 2017 (three amendments) and the constitution was changed once in 2019 and 2020.