Gasoline rises for the first time since the summer began – RTVE

Gasoline has risen for the first time in the whole summer, after chaining nine weeks of decreases, until registering an average price of 1,594 euros per liter applying the discount of 20 cents from the Government. This is an increase that diesel has also recorded, although this time for the second consecutive week after breaking last week’s downward spiral of two months, and now stands at 1,682 euros. According to data released this Thursday by the European Union (EU) Oil Bulletin, which includes the average price registered at more than 11,400 Spanish service stations between August 23 and 29, the price of both fuels is still below the barrier of 2 euros per liter even without the public discount. With these values, the cost of gasoline has increased by 0.5% in the last seven days, coinciding with the special traffic operation for the return of the summer holidays. For its part, diesel is 4% more expensive than a week ago. Below March pricesDespite this rise, gasoline remains at levels similar to those recorded in the week of April 11, before Easter, while diesel is paid at the same price as in mid-May. Both Fuels are also below the prices registered during March, when the Government, as a result of the maximums that were exceeded week after week, was forced to establish the bonus of 20 cents per liter for all consumers, which will be in force until end of the year. However, the escalation suffered by both fuels since the beginning of 2022, a situation that has been aggravated after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has caused the price of gasoline to have increased by nearly 8% since the first week January, compared to the 25% increase in diesel prices. The price of fuels depends on multiple factors, such as their specific price (independent of that of oil), the evolution of crude oil, the Taxes, the cost of raw materials and logistics and gross margins. In this way, the evolution in the price of crude oil is not transferred directly to gasoline prices, but rather with a temporary offset. (THERE WILL BE EXPANSION)