Gorbachev gave me lessons with the Kremlin, says the former chairman of JRD – SME

Aug 31, 2022 at 11:04 pm I Paid content The highest representative of the USSR visited Slovakia in 1987. BRATISLAVA. It was raining and he had a cold. Nevertheless, he sang with folklorists and talked for a long time with ordinary people. In the village of Cífer near Trnava, people still remember the visit of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CSSU) Mikhail Gorbachev 35 years ago. The article continues under the video advertisement The article continues under the video advertisement Gorbachev stopped at the local United Peasant Cooperative during his visit to Czechoslovakia on April 11, 1987. While ordinary people appreciated his immediacy and cordiality, reform communists and anti-communist activists at the time were disappointed by his visit because he did not subscribe to the legacy of the Prague Spring. The former top representative of the USSR died on Tuesday, August 30. He was 91 years old. He was the first and last president of the Soviet Union, which collapsed a year after taking office. Perestroika, which he launched in 1985, led to the Gentle Revolution in Czechoslovakia in 1989. Watches and costume “I got a watch from him with the Kremlin,” recalls Milan Krajčovič (86), former chairman of the JRD in Cífer, of his meeting with Gorbachev. It is said that the head of the Soviet communists made a very pleasant impression on him. [email protected] so that we can help you.” data-msg-btn-logout=”Log in as another user” data-msg-btn-close=”Stay logged in” > Russia Subscribe topic Subscribe New: Receive notifications of new articles in the watched topic by e-mail. Try the new feature and turn on the subscription.