Sport in primary, return of math in first … here are the novelties for the start of the 2022 school year – archyde

After the teachers this Wednesday, it is the turn of the students to gradually return to the classrooms. Here is the list of the main new features of the new school year that await them from this Thursday. Twice as many students in class. Class splitting, that is to say limiting the number of students to twelve students per teacher, continues. The reform, launched in 2017 in the most disadvantaged areas, now concerns all CPs and CE1s in priority education networks. But in the large sections of kindergarten, it is not yet complete. “We are at 75% today,” said the new Minister of Education Pap Ndiaye on Friday. The process will continue until 2024. “Apart from priority education zones, almost all of the large section, CP and CE1 classes are capped at 24 students,” said the new tenant on rue de Grenelle. . Almost all ? The Versailles Academy, one of the largest, tells us that the objective has only been achieved in 70% of the classes in the four departments it covers. All the others have more than 24 pupils. More sports. It was a campaign promise from Emmanuel Macron. Primary students must, under the guidance of their teacher, perform 30 minutes of physical activity per day, outside sports and recess hours. Launched in the run-up to the Paris Olympics, this device has already been tested in 7,000 of the country’s 48,000 schools. The teacher can occupy the courtyard, the premises or even the surroundings of the establishment to carry out these 30 minutes. He is also invited if he wishes to use small equipment: ball, studs, skipping rope… However, no sportswear is compulsory for the student. In college too, sport will be reinforced to fight against a sedentary lifestyle. Nearly 140 establishments in thirty academies will offer their students the possibility of doing two more hours. Discovering trades, from 5th grade. In the voluntary colleges, half a day per week will be devoted to the discovery of trades, from the 5th. These hours should help students to orient themselves. They “could in particular take the form of meetings with professionals from different sectors or visits to companies”, specifies the ministry. “Attaching the world of work very in depth” to the school environment is also Emmanuel Macron’s wish for high school. The President called last week before the rectors for a “deep transformation” of the professional path, in particular by developing “the internship times by at least 50%” and better paying them. New diplomas and a super baccalaureate. . In the same spirit, twelve professional diplomas have been renovated, including baccalaureates (3D modeling and prototyping, personal care and services, etc.), to meet the needs of employers. Also noteworthy, in general this time, is the appearance of the “international French baccalaureate” (BFI), replacing the international option. A kind of super baccalaureate, with reinforced courses, especially in the learning and improvement of foreign languages… Where it hurts. An emergency plan for English. 800,000 ninth graders took a national English test in the spring. Catastrophic result: one out of two does not have the required level. The ministry is therefore launching an emergency plan from the start of the school year “so that 80% of students” reach the expected level of skills “within the next three years”. Among the levers; reinforced bilingual courses, the creation of a voice assistant to teach the language of Shakespeare to schoolchildren, the financing of trips and stays abroad… Return of maths in first class. After having almost eliminated them, we bring them back… Slowly. Mathematics appears again in the common core, first, in the form of a module in science education. The Minister of Education acknowledged that few students will follow this year and a half optional, hastily put in place to calm the bronca raised by the last reform of the school. Maths could become compulsory again next year. “It’s the most likely hypothesis,” confided Pap Ndiaye to us in June.