Elisabeth Borne announces a list of 60 political priorities for the government

At the end of a government back-to-school seminar, the Prime Minister spoke. She announced that she had established with the Executive a list of 60 political priorities for her teams. The government speaks of a day of “rich and useful sequence of work and exchange.” The ministers met on Wednesday August 31 for a pre-return meeting to work on the political objectives of the five-year term. Advance measures The Executive recalls that part of the plan of the presidential majority has been applied in recent months. In particular the purchasing power and protection of the French against the generalized inflation of recent months. Other “flagship” measures will arrive in the coming days, the coming weeks such as “the fuel discount of 30 cents per liter from tomorrow, the exceptional back-to-school allowance for 11 million of the most modest households on September 15 or even the 4% revaluation of pensions before the end of the month.” The government speaks of a period of “rocking” with many uncertainties “on the international or environmental level.” Indeed, “part of the risks that we have sensed for years now belong to the daily life of the French, who feel the effects very concretely”, assures the majority in a press release. Four priorities After the meeting, Elisabeth Borne spoke to the media. She detailed the content of the working day with the ministers. A schedule with future measures was discussed internally. In her report, Elisabeth Borne identified four themes dear to the government. Namely: the ecological transition, full employment, sovereignty and finally equal opportunities. Outlines that the oppositions should not fail to comment on in the coming hours.