WhatsApp finally adds an option that will avoid problems when deleting messages

The improvements that are coming to WhatsApp are more and more numerous, and this is good. On some occasions, the ones that are launched have a supposed great depth, but they do not become especially useful. Others, which seem of little importance, end up becoming essential for users. And, this, is what is going to happen with the new one in which the company works. The novelty that the company is working on comes so that, in a simple way, the errors that occur on many occasions when a message is deleted can be corrected. Generally, these occur when the window appears in which you select whether you want the process to affect everyone or not. Surely, on more than one occasion, when doing this you have been confused and have pressed the option that was not the right one. And, unfortunately, there was no going back on this…until now. What is WhatsApp going to add Well, something as simple as it is useful: a message in which it will be possible to undo the deletion action. In this way, if what we have mentioned before happens, you will have the possibility to rectify it. Thus, the message in question will return to the conversion and if you wish, you will have the option to delete it again and, this time, without failing itself, what you do affects everyone or not. A great success, without a doubt – and that will get more than one out of more than one trouble. WBetainfo To remove the deletion, what you will see is a message at the bottom of the screen once you have executed the removal action. If you click on the corresponding button (in the previous image it is the one called Undo, and it remains to be seen how many seconds it remains visible), that is when the situation is reversed. The truth is that it is not a particularly important change in the interface and behavior of WhatsApp, but its usefulness is undeniable. Is it already available for all users? Well, right now only those who use the trial version for iPhone can enjoy the option to undo a deletion that does not fit what is needed. This means that there is time for the change to be effective for everyone. The reason is that it must first reach Android and, later, if everything works as it should, it will be deployed with the stable version of WhatsApp. If we take the way the company has acted to date, perhaps in one or two months what has been detected will be official. We believe that this new feature, without seeming particularly important, due to its excellent utility, will end up being widely used. Never make a mistake again and delete a message by mistake just for you will keep it visible to the rest of the members of a group. Without a doubt, a very good addition.