The enjoyment of vacations and summer relaxation does not necessarily have to translate into a post-summer “disgust” on the scale. It is true that maintaining a certain state of alertness when eating at these times is not easy. In addition to rest, the break from the usual routine and how appetizing summer culinary options always turn out to be, there are other factors that can favor the typical “lack of control” of the holidays. Thus, as Laura Llorente, a nutritionist at the Centta Institute, explains to CuídatePlus, several studies have shown that the presence of many people at a meal (something common in this context) favors an increase in the amount of food eaten: “This may be due to to distraction, to the pressure of the companions or to the simple unconsciousness at the time of eating”. The key is, according to experts, to try to maintain a balance between “everything” (giving free rein to any type of intake) and “nothing” (understood as such following a strict diet at this time of year). “You have to adapt to situations in a conscious way, enjoying certain foods or drinks in a timely manner without blaming or justifying yourself, which does not mean throwing overboard all the healthy habits that are adopted the rest of the year for the fact of being on vacation”, says Leyre López Iranzu, nutritionist at the FEMM Clinic in Madrid. Therefore, and taking into account that the idea is not to deprive yourself of food “by system” or to adopt very strict rules every time we sit down to eat (“attitudes that favor the feeling of guilt and frustration and that reflect that one does not have a good eating behavior”, points out Laura Llorente), it is important to detect the “areas” or “situations” of greater risk that can translate into a few extra kilos: Consider all salads as “light” “Salads are one of the most popular options in summer, but on many occasions not all its ingredients are nutritious: surimi, fried chicken, croutons, commercial sauces and dressings, etc. they can provide a large amount of added sugars, flours and refined vegetable oils of low nutritional quality”, says Leyre López Iranzu, who recalls that there are other healthier and highly recommended options and ingredients that, on the one hand, produce more satiety and, on the other hand, another, they allow you to taste other equally delicious and varied versions: “Legumes, fruits, seeds and dressings such as avocado and cucumber sauce or vinaigrette, among others. All of them contribute to making a dish full of colours, as well as appetizing, which provides a wide variety of antioxidant nutrients”. Letting your guard down with snacks Snacks and holidays are practically inseparable, but there are alternatives to “bag” snacks that are healthier, tastier and recommended from a caloric point of view: “Pickles, natural nuts (not fried), gazpacho , hummus, mussels, clams, sardines, shellfish salad and octopus, for example. On the contrary, battered foods should be avoided: it is better that they are raw materials and not products that have undergone a frying process, with extra salt, refined flour, etc. Some examples: french fries; nuts with excess sugar, oils or salt; nuggets or fingers, among others”, says López Iranzu. Just like snacks, snacks eaten at the beach or pool can also be “enemies in disguise”. It is important to have on hand the healthiest options to snack between meals (the intervals between main meals are usually longer on vacation) and that, in addition, allow you to keep hunger at bay and provide a balance between the different nutrients. “To take to the beach, hummus with chopped carrots and unsalted or roasted nuts are good choices, which are easy to transport, do not deteriorate in the heat and are also an excellent source of ‘good’ fats, nutrients that promote satiety as it slows down the rate of digestion”, says Laura Llorente. As for carbohydrates (which help maintain a normal level of glucose in the blood and, therefore, control the feeling of hunger), Llorente recommends bringing a tupperware of cut watermelon, pasta or rice salad, salad with added fruit , Cherry tomatoes… “And as a fiber option (which satiates and delays the absorption of carbohydrates and their presence in the bloodstream), a good idea is a sandwich made with whole-grain bread,” adds the Centta Institute expert. “Compensate” after a night of drinking Summer gatherings, especially nighttime ones, usually involve consuming alcohol to a greater or lesser extent, hence the common mistake of trying to “compensate” for the calories in these drinks by restricting (or eliminating) food intake before or after. “First of all, remember that alcohol is not good for your health and brings with it countless problems and illnesses, beyond its contribution of empty calories,” says Leyre López Iranzu. “Now, we have to differentiate if it is something specific or if it is drunk regularly during the holidays. In no case should a punctual excess be compensated with a caloric restriction or not having lunch or dinner for it, as a ‘punishment’. It is advisable to continue with a normal healthy routine after these events, without any type of remorse or guilt. In fact, in this circumstance, it is important to ensure a nutritious menu and that you provide benefits in this regard. An example would be a plate of brown rice with smoked salmon, egg and avocado and, for dessert, have a banana. These types of foods help slow down the absorption of alcohol and provide carbohydrates, healthy fats and proteins of high biological value. And, very important, do not forget to drink enough water, to avoid dehydration”. Fruit (of any kind) at all hours More than an error, it is an option that may be valid (taking into account the nutritional benefits of fruit), but making some “adjustments”, as Leyre López Iranzu explains: “There are higher-calorie fruits, such as persimmon, tamarind, raisins, or dates. On the other hand, others such as melon, watermelon or strawberries are less caloric. Of course, not all calories are the same, but beyond this consideration, whole fruit is always a good option at any time of the year, so this food should not be a cause for concern since, in addition, it provides fiber, minerals and vitamins, and keeps us hydrated thanks to its water content. Therefore, their consumption should be prioritized, along with that of vegetables, and focus all attention on avoiding products with low nutritional density such as ultra-processed products: pastries, cookies, sugary desserts, pre-cooked foods, pizzas… whose nutritional quality is very poor, and they generate less satiety and a greater glycemic response, without forgetting that they can negatively affect health in the short and long term”. Forget about proteins You should never lose sight of this nutrient since, as Laura Llorente recalls, it contributes to increasing satiety levels “and, in addition, meat, legumes, poultry, nuts, yogurt and fish They have a perfect place in the framework of the food that is followed on vacation”. For his part, Leo Cerrud, nutritional coach and director of the Leo Cerrud Aesthetic Medicine Center in Madrid, proposes the “protein” or, what is the same, that the menu of the last meal of the day be protein-based: “ If you dine at home, the best options are white fish, eggs and cold cuts: Serrano ham, loin, cecina, york or natural turkey. If you dine out, occasionally you can eat the classic fried fish, but instead of eating six units, eat only three”. “Untie yourself” at the buffet and/or at the beach bar Eating at the bar or at the beach bar is not easy to maintain control and not eat too many calories, but Leo Cerrud proposes a “plan B” to the always appetizing menu of Tapas: “Choose a combined plate (or from the menu), with vegetables or salad as the first and fish fillet, meat or tortilla as the second”. As for cheese, a classic of summer snacks, Cerrud does not recommend depriving yourself of it, but consuming it in moderation. Regarding the buffet, another “litmus test” for caloric control, Laura Llorente recommends putting into practice a strategy that is usually very effective: think about what you are going to eat before serving yourself: “You have to be aware that we are in a scenario that can make our internal signals of hunger and satiety betray us. For this reason, it is best to take a walk around the buffet and review all the available options before starting to fill the plate”. “Cool down with soft drinks” as the preferred option The experts are unanimous: the best way to quench thirst is to drink water. “The classic two liters are not a myth, but rather a key guideline to satisfy the body’s hydration needs and, among other benefits, help keep weight at bay and combat cellulite,” says Leo Cerrud. But, what about the other drinks (especially in the context of the aperitif, terraceo, etc.)? For Laura Llorente, a good idea to have a balanced consumption without completely giving up these options is to establish a periodicity in its intake. This is the “planning” proposed by the expert: For every day: coffee, with ice or in its granita version (if you drink more than two a day, try to make the rest decaffeinated), teas and cold infusions. “If you drink milk or a vegetable drink, one glass a day is enough, selecting the non-sweetened ones and without adding soluble cocoa.”
Between one and three times a week: beer (original or raddler type, with lemon) 0.0% alcohol; light or zero soft drinks, and natural juices (if they are from a bottle, opt for the tomato one).
At most, twice a week: beer, wine (preferably red), beers or wines mixed with soda (clear, red summer).
Avoid as much as possible: cocoa drinks, flavored milkshakes, horchatas, beers or wines with lemon soft drinks (shandy or mixed), sugary soft drinks (including teas, isotonic and tonic), packaged juices and spirits. “Of course, nothing happens if one day, during the holidays, you drink an horchata or a soft drink with sugar on time. We are on vacation and it falls within the context of enjoying the social aspects linked to food and drink”, adds Llorente. “Overvaluing” ice creams The dietician Mariona Balfegó, collaborating professor at the UOC’s Health Sciences Department, warns that although for many people ice creams are an ideal option to cool off in hot weather, their regular consumption ( especially the ultra-processed ones) is not exactly the healthiest choice to hydrate the body. “Furthermore, and contrary to popular belief, its high sugar levels increase thirst, rather than quench it.” And this also applies to the ice cream version, which is not “just ice”, as many people believe: “Both water ice creams and those prepared with milk or cream have a high sugar content (sucrose, glucose , etc.) that represent, at least, between 20 and 30 percent of its total weight”. Therefore, it is best to include them in the group of “specific whims” and, as a hint, keep in mind that the fewer ingredients they contain, the better: “Ultra-processed ice creams must be avoided as much as possible because, in addition to sugars, they include fats, salt and additives and other ingredients such as casein, lactose, gluten, hydrogenated oils, glucose and fructose syrup, preservatives, dyes, sweeteners and flavor enhancers”, says Balfegó, who recommends that if you want to consume ice cream regularly, the best is to prepare them at home, using, for example, crushed and frozen fruit (strawberries, blueberries, melon, etc.), milk, yogurt, pure cocoa, nuts or dates, among others. “A homemade ice cream with chocolate and nuts can be quite caloric, but it has nothing to do with an ultra-processed one, since the type of fats and sugars is not the same. Another healthy alternative is frozen yogurts with a 100% plain yogurt base,” she concludes.
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