Afghanistan, Blinken: “It’s not Saigon, stop attacks on the US”

“This is not Saigon. The United States has succeeded in its mission to stop the attacks on the United States. It is simply not in our interest to remain in Afghanistan.” This was stated by the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. “We were in Afghanistan for a specific purpose: to block the people who attacked us on September 11, 2001,” Blinken underlines at CNN, explaining that the United States has achieved its goals. “The idea that the status quo could have been maintained by keeping our forces there, I think is simply wrong,” he continues. For Blinken, “the offensive” by the Taliban to recapture these provincial capitals would have started “regardless of the military presence of the states. United. We will keep in place in the region the ability to see if there will be the emergence of a terrorist threat and we will be able to deal with it. “

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