Covid China, 1,000 infections in 3 weeks: 47 officials ‘punished’

There are now more than 40 officials “sanctioned” in China for failing to cope with the new coronavirus emergency in the Asian giant, attributed by the authorities to the Delta variant. CNN speaks of at least 47 officials who have been targeted. Meanwhile, the new wave of infections, which would have started from Nanjing, has spread to more than half of the Chinese provinces and – underlines the CNN again analyzing the data of the Chinese National Health Commission – has led to more than 1,000 cases of contagion relating to patients with symptoms in three weeks. Read also The authorities responded with lockdowns, mass tests, restrictions on travel in a country with a population of 1.4 billion people, with measures that, in terms of scope and intensity, highlights the CNN, were not seen since the beginning of the pandemic . Among the 47 officials targeted are local managers, managers of health commissions, hospitals and airports, all accused of negligence. In Nanjing alone, the Global Times wrote two days ago, at least 15 officials were “sanctioned”, including Deputy Mayor Hu Wanjin, and according to CNN, three officials from Nanjing Lukou International Airport, from which the new outbreak would have started, are under investigation. Two were arrested. The “sanctions” range from warnings to suspension.

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