Covid China today, 143 new infections: never so many since January

Coronavirus infections confirmed by Chinese authorities increase. Today’s bulletin of the National Health Commission reports 143 confirmed cases on Monday, compared to 125 reported yesterday. According to data released by the Xinhua agency, these are 108 cases of “local transmission”, 50 of which have been ascertained in the province of Jiangsu where the new outbreak allegedly started. The other 35 are “imported cases”. Authorities also report 38 other infections related to asymptomatic patients, which are not included among the confirmed cases. The South China Morning Post points out that today’s bulletin of confirmed infections is the one with the highest data since July 20 infections started to increase again, due – according to the authorities – to the Delta variant, and the Guardian notes that since 20 last January China had never given news of so many confirmed cases. Yesterday’s bulletin spoke of 94 infections of “local transmission” and 31 “imported”. Since the beginning of the pandemic, according to official data, in the Asian giant – with a population of 1.4 billion people – there are 93,969 confirmed cases of coronavirus with 4,636 deaths.