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The health pass is extended, from Monday, in several places of the daily life of the French: bars, restaurants, cinemas, hospitals or transport. This measure will be in place until November, after having been validated almost entirely by the Constitutional Council and despite the protest in the street.
The extension of the health pass comes into force, Monday, August 9, in several places in France although this measure validated by the courts – by the Council of State and then by the Constitutional Council – is partially contested in the street.
On the eve of its entry into force on Sunday, the government wanted to be reassuring by specifying that there would be a first week of tolerance and running-in for this new tool. Already required in places of culture since July 21, it takes the form of a QR code which must be presented for lunch in a restaurant or for a drink on the terrace.
“The past and the progress of the vaccination should prevent us from further curfews and confinements”, underlined the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, in the Parisien Sunday.
To be valid, the pass, already in force in several European countries, must demonstrate either a complete vaccination schedule or the recovery of the disease through a positive test certificate of at least 11 days and less than 6 months. , or finally a negative test dating “less than 72 hours”.
“Heavy fines” in case of misused pass
It may also be required by prefectural decision in shops over 20,000 m², but will not be required for a visit to a general practitioner. On the other hand, it will be in hospitals, “but in no case should it be a barrier to access useful and urgent care”, emphasizes Olivier Véran.
On Twitter, the Secretary of State for Digital, Cédric O, recalled Sunday that those who present a pass “which is not theirs incur heavy fines”, specifying that the passes “improperly used will be blacklisted and rendered unusable “.
A person using a relative’s pass will be liable to a 4th class fine of 750 euros (fixed at 135 euros if it is paid quickly), an amount which increases to 1,500 euros in the event of a repeat offense within 15 days.
The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, asked the prefects to mobilize police and gendarmes to control, “in uniform and in civilian clothes”, the establishments whose access is subject to the presentation of a pass, by targeting as a priority “urban and tourist areas” and “places of gatherings”, according to a telegram consulted by AFP.
Hospital and intensive care admissions on the rise
The introduction of this pass is disputed in the street: for the fourth consecutive weekend, nearly 237,000 people marched in peace on Saturday, according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior.
In a video posted on Sunday, Florian Philippot welcomed the lengthening of the validity of the tests which he presented as “a retreat from the government”. The former FN, president of the pro-Frexit Les Patriotes party, which has made the fight against the executive’s health strategy its hobbyhorse, called for “accelerating” the mobilization. “Fear changes sides,” he said.
Within the executive, confident that the goal of 50 million first-time vaccinated by the end of August has been reached, it is said that Emmanuel Macron’s speech on July 12 gave a boost to the campaign . Since then, there have been more than 6.8 million appointments made for a first-time injection, insists those around him.
According to Public Health France, 44,739,322 people have received at least one injection (i.e. 66.4% of the total population) and 37,231,075 people now have a complete vaccination schedule (i.e. 55.2% of the total population).
But the number of hospitalized patients continues to increase, with nearly 8,700 patients listed on Sunday, marking a 25% increase in hospitalizations in three weeks. With 1,556 patients registered in critical care services, the number of Covid patients in serious condition has skyrocketed (+ 81%) since July 21. In the past 24 hours, 117 patients have been admitted to intensive care.
The head of state split last week twelve videos on social networks, viewed more than 60 million times, to answer the questions of the French and call them to be vaccinated. On Wednesday, he will chair a Health Defense Council by videoconference where it will notably be a question of the injection of a third dose of vaccine to the most vulnerable people at the start of the school year.
With AFP