Legislative: Quitterie de Villepin, a candidacy to restore a taste for politics

Published on: 08/06/2022 – 16:24 Candidate without label in the legislative elections in the very chic second district of Paris, Quitterie de Villepin offers her voters to be elected for a mandate which will be based on the collective intelligence of the citizens by establishing a “deliberative mandate”. Legislative 2022 © FMM graphic studio “We led the longest and most beautiful legislative campaign in France.” The self-satisfecit of Quitterie de Villepin, candidate without label in the legislative elections (June 12 and 19) in Paris could make you smile at first sight. But it is clear that it is rare to see a campaign independent of any political party arouse so much enthusiasm. brings together the 5th arrondissement, part of the 6th and most of the 7th, with one idea in mind: to give citizens a taste for politics with the promise of establishing the first “deliberative mandate” in the National Assembly.>> Legislative: Muriel Fusi and the Animalist Party want to “impose the animal cause on the big parties” The principle is based on a new method: involving citizens in legislative work by creating a deliberative local assembly bringing together 100 people drawn by lot from the 100,000 inhabitants of his constituency. These would meet every month to work out, with their deputy, legislative proposals and amendments to the texts studied in the National Assembly. All with a “compass” to guide Quitterie de Villepin’s political action: to ensure that France respects the Paris climate agreement and the 17 sustainable development goals signed with the UN. Here is “Let’s imagine” our proposal for the 2nd circo of Paris.
7 months meeting residents to repair democracy.
Yes, people are ready.
Yes, the conditions are right here and now. Empower our message.
Share it. pic.twitter.com/7T9fsNrYIo— Quitterie de Villepin (@Quitt3rie) May 20, 2022 “I started from the observation that the French claim to have no connection with their deputy, that today there is a loss of bearings and that the role played by the National Assembly worries, “explains the 44-year-old candidate, mother of four and niece of the former Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, who has been committed for 20 years to making the voices of citizens heard. “As much as there was a strong aspiration to bring civil society into politics in 2017, the practice that has been that of power over the past five years has accentuated a form of crisis of the Fifth Republic and of national representation, continues Today, people are losing their bearings when it is possible to have a more successful democracy.” Former close friend of François BayrouEngaged in the early 2000s in associations such as Max Havelaar, Greenpeace or Les Amis of the Earth, Exit of Villepin joined the UDF in 2003. She made a name for herself during the 2007 presidential campaign by being the spokesperson for the young UDF and responsible for digital communication for François Bayrou. Known then under the surname Quitterie Delmas, the young woman took more and more place within the centrist party, which became after the presidential election the Democratic Movement (MoDem), until being offered a head of the list in the European elections of 2009. But rather than accept a European mandate that stretched out her arms, she slammed the door of the MoDem.”I loved the six years I spent at the UDF and the MoDem, but, on the one hand I disagreed with François Bayrou on the structuring of the party, and above all, I experienced the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty as a deep fracture.Even if I had voted ‘yes’ in the constitutional referendum of 2005, that governments overriding the will of the citizens shocked me. At that time, I questioned the word democracy for the first time, “recalls Quitterie de Villepin, who has since resumed his birth name following his divorce. After trying to bring participatory democracy to life within the MoDem, she then chose to renew democratic practices outside of political parties. It contributes to the creation of citizen initiatives and new approaches within parent-teacher associations in particular. She is involved in the #MaVoix movement, which tries to have citizens elected during the 2017 legislative elections. Then, in 2020, she launched the collective Les Investies, which aims to promote the emergence of new citizen candidates. “Democracy for me, It’s not a question of trust, but of effort. You have to dedicate time to it. And my fight is to re-establish the links between people and politics by betting on collective intelligence. Just look at the work of the 150 citizens of the Citizen’s Convention for the Climate. It’s hot what they’ve done!”, she says, convinced that people on the left and on the right can work together to bring out proposals. “Does field work still count?” His eight months of campaigning seem to prove him right. After dozens of public meetings, towing operations in the markets and meetings with the inhabitants, Quitterie de Villepin generated enough enthusiasm to raise 35,000 euros in donations from 165 donors – an average donation of 212 euros. per person. Enough to make any candidate labeled by a big party green with envy. “We were able to have the same means as the big candidates to campaign. This money allowed us to have a permanent office, to send out three leaflets in the mailboxes, to be present on social networks and to create a dynamic around my project that the others do not have”, assures the candidate. Reaching the second round would however be a feat, especially since the boss of the group La République en Marche in the National Assembly, Gilles Le Gendre, but also the mayor Les Républicains of the 6th arrondissement, Jean-Pierre Lecoq, are facing her. , without forgetting Marine Rosset, socialist candidate of the New People’s Ecological and Social Union (Nupes). “Based on the results of 2017, we estimated that 8,500 votes were needed to reach the second round, explains Quitterie de Villepin This is the objective and it is possible. There is something that has been created on the ground with the people. And moreover, what we do appeals far beyond our constituency. It has already been demonstrated that we can make a very professional and very well-funded campaign, focused on meetings with citizens and their involvement. That’s why I really like this campaign. It will provide an answer to an essential question: does fieldwork c still counts?” The current context, with a President of the Republic who will not benefit during the legislative elections from the same electoral wave as in 2017 and a left united around the figure of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, could be favorable to him, wants believe Quitterie de Villepin. Answer Sunday, June 12.

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