It’s never too much pumpkin! So you can make the most of this summer vegetable

Editor’s note: Casey barber is a food writer, illustrator, and photographer and author of “Pierogi Love: New Takes on an Old-World Comfort Food” and “Classic Snacks Made from Scratch: 70 Homemade Versions of Your Favorite Brand-Name Treats”; and editor of the Good website. Food. Stories.

(CNN) – Every summer the most ambitious gardeners yell, “What can I do with all this zucchini?” If you’ve ever been one of those gardeners, or the unwitting recipient of a pile of zucchini by surprise in your driveway, you can understand.It may seem like zucchini, also known as zucchini or summer squash, are nothing to write home about. But its strong point is its chameleon ability to blend seamlessly into many dishes. There is much more to do with the zucchini and all the summer pumpkin family in addition to baking endless zucchini breads and muffins.

Zucchini and its congeners are the little black dresses (rather, the little green dresses) of summer vegetables.

You can show off the pumpkin as a food star or hide it in a stew or cake. It is as easy to eat and love as it is to grow.

The zucchini can be the star of the meal or be hidden as a side dish.

Zucchini is a source of vitamins and nutrients, according to Michelle Dudash, registered dietitian, chef, and author of “The Low-Carb Mediterranean Cookbook: Quick and Easy High-Protein, Low-Sugar, Healthy-Fat Recipes for Lifelong Health”. It is a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamins C and B6.

They try treatment with healthy food 1:38

“Like most vegetables, zucchini is low in carbohydrates and cholesterol and low in total and saturated fat,” he said in an email. “Plus, it contains carotenoids like lutein. That helps skin health by providing a level of protection from the sun (but keep using your sunscreen),” he added.

Whether you eat them on sticks or pancakes, all varieties of summer zucchini have similar nutritional value. However, Dudash notes that yellow squash contains many more seeds than zucchini, giving it a slightly higher fiber content.

Yes, it can be eaten raw


This zucchini carpaccio is made with feta, walnuts, and dill.

The zucchini salads cut into strips are perhaps the easiest way to savor this vegetable in all its varieties. Use a mandolin or manual vegetable cutter to thinly slice zucchini or other squash, then garnish with vinaigrette.

The health conscious can skip the dressing, but Dudash recommends adding it. “Try to accompany the zucchini with fat, as this helps to enhance the absorption of fat-soluble nutrients, including lutein,” he says. “Drizzle with olive oil, accompany it with Parmesan, etc.”, he highlights.

The zucchini carpaccio is one way of doing it. This vegetarian version of the traditional Italian beef carpaccio is often topped with olive oil, grated Parmesan cheese, and herbs like mint, parsley, or basil. However, the sky is the limit in terms of toppings. You can make this dish completely vegan or as the base of a complete vegetable salad.

Additionally, consuming raw zucchini has a slight vitamin benefit. “When you cook the zucchini, a lot of water is released, thus reducing the water content in the vegetable. The water-soluble nutrients, such as vitamins B and C, will be higher in the raw zucchini, as they are filtered by the released water. “says Dudash.

Taste it cooked


Zucchini pancakes can be served with sour cream on top.

Pancakes are a proven way to get even the pickiest of people to eat vegetables; After all, who can argue with a crunchy, battered bite? Are pan-fried zucchini pancakes They can be adapted to include other grated vegetables, such as sweet potatoes or winter squash, and they do not need a lot of oil in their preparation.

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Stuffed zucchini boats are another easily adaptable dish that can fit into any culture’s kitchen. Dudash is inspired by her Lebanese grandmother’s traditional recipe for stuffed koosa. Use a mixture of ground beef, quinoa, and dill, simmering or baking in tomato sauce. They can also be used as an omelette substitute in your taco recipes.

Try the zucchini noodles

Zucchini pasta is served here with tomatoes and feta cheese.

Cooks short on time can always buy store-packed fresh or frozen zucchini noodles, but with so much fresh zucchini in season, why not try making them yourself?

Inexpensive veggie noodle makers can be found on the Internet and in home supply stores, but you can also use a multi-purpose julienne cutter to make thin strips of zucchini noodles, also called “zoodles,” that blend into sauces. and baked pans.

Use your fresh pumpkin ribbons in a Zucchini Alfredo pasta, a lighter version of the Italian dish with cheese, or mixed with marinara sauce and meatballs. You can also substitute the ramen noodles for a coconut curry soup or a vegan version of cold noodles with peanut sauce.

You can also freeze your homemade zoodles to serve when the summer squash is out of season. Cut the zucchini into a spiral, then squeeze out excess moisture with a non-terry cloth.

Freeze them in a single layer on a cookie sheet, then transfer them to a freezer-safe bag and store for no more than three months. Place the frozen zoodles directly into boiling water. You can also thaw them in the bag in the fridge before using them, squeezing out any extra liquid that may come out of the zoodles once they are thawed.

Make zucchini sweets


Zucchini is the secret ingredient in these chocolate brownies.

With its neutral flavor, zucchini has long been the go-to vegetable for parents trying to sneak a few more vitamins into their family’s desserts. Whether mixed with nuts and spices, chocolate or citrus, summer squash can fit into any sweet costume.

The zucchini brownies They’re a standard for the old plant hoax, as the sumptuous, moist texture makes an ideal topping for squash. To make it even more foolproof, puree zucchini, as recommended in this recipe, instead of grating it.

For those times when you don’t mind letting others know you’re baking with zucchini, a classic quick bread or tart is the way to go. The crunchy lemon glaze of this zucchini thread takes it from being an everyday snack to something you would be proud to serve at a party. For a twist on classic zucchini bread, this zucchini bread with pistachio and cardamom It will make any noon coffee break feel like a vacation.

Lastly, why not have zucchini for breakfast? A few flakes of baked oats Inspired by zucchini bread they are a weekend brunch that will keep you satisfied for most of the day.

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