DIRECT. War in Ukraine: Russia says it is ready for a truce “at any time” at the Azovstal site in Mariupol – franceinfo

Find here all of our live #UKRAINE3:10 p.m .: Pope Francis revealed that a meeting with the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kyrill was scheduled for June but had to be canceled because it could have been “confusing” in the current context. It would have been their second after the historic meeting in 2016. The sovereign pontiff assures that his relations are very good with Kyrill, in this interview with La Nacion (in Spanish). of refugees unseen since the Second World War. At the same time, encouraged by the departure of the Russians for the West, more than a million Ukrainians are returning home despite the authorities’ appeal for caution. “We have to sign a discharge to be able to return, but we have nothing left,” laments a resident of Moschun, near kyiv. , in a telephone interview, to guarantee humanitarian corridors in Mariupol on the occasion of the Orthodox Easter holiday. “Humanitarian corridors in Mariupol and other besieged towns must be immediate,” he wrote on his Twitter account. Poland to help send some of its T72s [de conception soviétique] in Ukraine,” Prime Minister Boris Johnson said at a press conference in New Delhi (India). industrial site of Azovstal, the last bastion of Ukrainian forces in Mariupol. “The starting point of this humanitarian pause will be the raising by Ukrainian armed formations of white flags over all or part of Azovstal”, adds the Ministry of Defense Russian in a press release. 12:55 p.m .: France is supplying Milan anti-tank missiles as well as Caesar cannons to Ukraine to help it deal with the Russian invasion, French President Emmanuel Macron announced in an interview with Ouest-France Until now, Paris had been careful not to specify the types of armaments delivered to kyiv, conceding just in mid-April “100 million euros in donations of equipment already made”. :• Marine Le Pen returns to the pension reform desired by r the LREM candidate. “The French with Emmanuel Macron will therefore take it for life,” she said in Etaples (Pas-de-Calais). Emmanuel Macron is expected in the Lot for this last day of the campaign. Follow him in our direct.• Anger of the French, serial selfies and electoral flirting… We tell you about the campaign between the two rounds. And we present to you the main issues of the second round. • The UN accuses the Russian army of actions “which may amount to war crimes” in Ukraine. “Russian armed forces indiscriminately bombarded and shelled populated areas, killing civilians and destroying hospitals, schools and other civilian infrastructure,” said Ravina Shamdasani, spokesperson for the High Commissioner for Human Rights. .• French justice has issued an international arrest warrant against Carlos Ghosn, former boss of the Renault Nissan alliance. The Nanterre public prosecutor’s office, which made this announcement, specifies that this mandate is part of an investigation, in particular for misuse of corporate assets and money laundering. Russian army of actions “possibly amounting to war crimes” in Ukraine. “Russian armed forces indiscriminately bombarded and shelled populated areas, killing civilians and destroying hospitals, schools and other civilian infrastructure, all of which may amount to war crimes,” she said. .11:27 a.m .: The UN has documented the “murder, including some by summary execution” of 50 civilians in the town of Boutcha, near kyiv, says Ravina Shamdasani, spokesperson for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. 11:11 a.m. : “Since the start of the second phase of the special operation, which began two days ago, one of the objectives of the Russian army has been to establish full control over Donbass and the south of the ‘Ukraine.” The Russian army aims for “total control of Donbass and southern Ukraine”, according to one of its generals. “This will ensure a land corridor to Crimea, as well as strain vital infrastructure of the Ukrainian economy,” he said, according to Russian news agencies. National Education, 11,588 pupils arriving from Ukraine are currently enrolled in French territory. That’s 388 more than a week ago. In detail, 40% of these students are welcomed in elementary school, 31% in middle school, 19% in kindergarten and 10% in high school. Yesterday, only three buses carrying people evacuated from the besieged port of Mariupol arrived in Zaporizhia, a large city in the south-east. our routes,” said Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk. “I am addressing all those who are waiting to be evacuated: wait, please hold on!”, She adds in a message on Telegram. the main headlines: • The campaign ends tonight at midnight. Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron remain on the ground until the end: the RN candidate will be in Abbeville (Somme), Emmanuel Macron in Figeac (Lot). Follow the home stretch in our live. • Emmanuel Macron says that the revaluation of teachers’ salaries “is not conditioned on anything”. This is an evolution because before the 1st round, he had caused controversy by proposing to condition a “significant” increase in teachers’ salaries to “new missions”. • French justice has issued an international arrest warrant against Carlos Ghosn, former boss of the Renault Nissan alliance. The Nanterre public prosecutor’s office, which made this announcement, specifies that this mandate is part of an investigation, in particular for abuse of corporate assets and money laundering. • The port city of Mariupol, which Moscow claims to have “liberated”, is still resisting to Russian forces, says the Ukrainian government, according to which thousands of Ukrainian fighters continue to fight fiercely. 07h07: Let’s start the day with a first reminder of the main titles: • The official campaign ends this evening at midnight. Emmanuel Macron is expected in the Lot. Last night, he was the guest of France 2’s “20 heures”. Last night, Marine Le Pen virulently attacked the outgoing president during his last meeting in Arras (Pas-de-Calais). • La port city of Mariupol, which Moscow claims to have “liberated”, is still resisting Russian forces, says the Ukrainian government, according to which thousands of Ukrainian fighters continue to fight fiercely. Jacques Perrin died in Paris at the age of 80 years old. The actor, filmmaker and producer, who had played in Peau d’âne or Le Crabe-tambour had also co-directed the documentary Le Peuple migrateur.• WHO strongly recommends Pfizer’s antiviral paxlovid for patients with less severe forms Covid-19 and “at higher risk of hospitalization”. At the same time, the body issued a “weak recommendation” for remdesivir from the American laboratory Gilead, which it had previously advised against.