Medical trade unionists said to themselves: Criminal report! Machinations with money? A million damage should have occurred –

“Although the hospital had money in advance for these installments, although they were agreed in advance, they were nevertheless repaid a few days after the due date, thus increasing interest and damaging the hospital’s almost 2.3 million euros, which are missing,” said LOZ chief Peter Visolajský . The trade unions consider this to be tunneling healthcare. An independent audit was to draw attention to the damage. The late payments were made between 2020 and 2021. According to trade unionists, the money from the increased interest went to BFF Central Europe. “In the past, it bought receivables from UNB and subsequently recovered them,” said Miroslav Mendel, chairman of LOZ UNB. “The whole case could have arisen because the hospitals have their debt. Although the Ministry of Finance provided the Ministry of Health with money for debt more than a year ago, it has not happened yet,” Visolajsky said. In this context, he emphasized the need for a functioning DRG system. “We demand that hospitals have at least the cost of treating patients in order to avoid their indebtedness,” he added. Photo gallery (2) Source: TASR / Pavol Zachar The University Hospital Bratislava commented on the whole matter. “Bratislava University Hospital is dedicated to every such complaint. We believe that every suspicion will be properly investigated, and therefore we are ready to be fully cooperative with law enforcement agencies,” said UNB spokeswoman Petra Lániková. The Ministry of Health (MH) of the Slovak Republic is constantly interested in the situation at UNB, said Zuzana Eliášová, a spokeswoman for the ministry. According to her, the hospital undertook an accounting and technical audit in order to review and control the transparency of the processes of the management of the medical facility from 2020 to which the event in question relates. “The issue is complex and a simplified submission by LOZ is not relevant in all details,” she said. The Ministry of Health has not yet provided further information on the ongoing processes. “If necessary, we are fully cooperative in investigating the incident,” the spokeswoman added. She also stressed that the debt relief of medical facilities is being finalized. It should take place in the months of May to June.