Perplexity among refugees for sugar packages with large Z of aid from Italy

Among the humanitarian aid sent to Ukraine from Italy there are several packages of the well-known Eridania sugar. A gift that would ‘sweeten’ the suffering of the populations under the bombs, were it not for a detail – clearly unwanted – which on the contrary left the recipients a bitter taste. On the classic red packaging, in fact, a large white Z stands out. The initial of sugar, of course, but which for Ukrainians represents the enemy, the icon of the Russian invasion and the logo on Putin’s army tanks. “A loud cry. The Italians have sent three boxes of sugar to the refugee center as humanitarian aid” writes a puzzled boy posting the image of the package on Twitter. Among the comments to the post, later taken up by a telegram chat, also those of those who remind the author of the post of the simple invitation to thank those who donate but also of Italians who explain how the Z is only the first letter of the word sugar. As underlined by the same manufacturer who, urged by Adnkronos, explains: “Eridania is supporting the Ukrainian population in this difficult moment through economic resources to organizations that are working to send humanitarian aid to the territory, such as the Italian Red Cross. The product in question. it is not part of direct donations by the company to the Ukrainian population. The role of the ‘Z’ on the packaging, whose graphics were developed in 2015, has always wanted to enhance the raw material – sugar – inside the package, without any other reference or desire to offend the sensitivity of others. We believe in peace and support the Ukrainian people, to whom our solidarity goes in this very difficult historical period. Eridania dissociates itself from any political thought in contrast with peace and respect for human beings and confirms that it will continue to help the population by cooperating with humanitarian organizations “. (by Silvia Manc inelli)