Trade unionists have filed a criminal complaint for damage of almost 2.3 million euros – SMEs

Trade unionists consider this to be tunneling healthcare.BRATISLAVA. The medical trade union filed a criminal complaint for alleged damage of almost 2.3 million euros, which was to be incurred at the University Hospital Bratislava. The association claims that it was created as a result of the hospital not paying its installments on time, even though it should have had the money to do so. The article continues under video advertising The article continues under video advertising They did not pay the installments “Although the hospital had money in advance for these installments, although they were agreed in advance, they were nevertheless paid several days after the due date, increasing interest and damaging the hospital by almost 2.3 million euros, which are missing, “said the head of the Medical Trade Union Peter Visolajský. The trade unions consider this to be tunneling of the healthcare system. The late payments were made in the years 2020 to 2021. According to the trade unionists, the money from the increased interest went to BFF Central Europe. “In the past, it bought receivables from UNB and subsequently recovered them,” said Miroslav Mendel, chairman of LOZ UNB. The order in payments for health insurance companies “Visolajský added, adding that one of the requirements of the association is that there should be order in payments for health insurance companies and hospitals, that hospitals have at least the costs of treatment of patients and that the debt of hospitals should not be increased unnecessarily. “We demand that hospitals have at least the costs of treating patients in order to avoid their indebtedness,” he added.