Ukraine, Kiev deputy: “In Mariupol only ruins, Russians have occupied it”

Mariupol no longer exists, “95% of the buildings are destroyed or damaged” and in reality “there is no longer a city there, but only ruins, which show what the Russians can bring to the world: death and destruction”. She stated this in an interview with Adnkronos Inna Sovsun, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament for the opposition party Holos (Voice), describing the situation in the port city whose control has been claimed by Russia since yesterday. Read also Sovsun does not hide that “the situation is now very complicated” and that “Russian troops have occupied a large part of Mariupol”, while in the shelters of the Azovstal steel mill “our defenders and over a thousand women, children and the elderly remain barricaded. “. These people, denounces the deputy, are constantly attacked” by the Russians with missiles and heavy bombs “and” there is clearly also a humanitarian disaster: they do not have access to food, water or medicine. The injured cannot be treated and the Russians do not allow any humanitarian aid from Ukraine or any other third country “. On the situation in the city, Sovsun denounces that there are “thousands of murdered civilians” that the Russians are preparing to bury “in mass graves and burn in mobile crematoria”. “We have already seen the tragedy of Bucha, Irpin, Gostomel and Borodyanka, but the tragedy of Mariupol is much more dramatic and horrible”, she continues, denouncing the “genocide committed by the Russians against the Ukrainian people” since the beginning of ” invasion”. The city, she remarks, had almost 500,000 people, comparable in size to a large European city. “Can you imagine that any of the cities you like will be completely destroyed with continuous bombing? – declares the deputy – What I want to emphasize is that the civilized world cannot allow this tragedy to repeat itself. This is why we urgently need assistance. military and tougher economic pressure on Russia, in particular the embargo on gas and oil “. Sovsun closes by launching an appeal to our partners to “supply or sell us artillery shells (caliber 155 mm and 152 mm) and ammunition, multiple rocket launch systems, armored personnel carriers, combat vehicles for infantry, tanks (T-72 or similar American or German models), air defense systems (S-300 or Buk) and combat aircraft “.