Ukraine, journalist Zerkalo Nedeli: “1,493 civilians killed in the Kiev region, it’s just tip of the iceberg”

In the Kiev region since February 24, 1,493 civilians have died from the war, 577 of them in Bucha. In the city north-west of the Ukrainian capital, the scene of the notorious massacre, 19 of the 166 women killed in the entire region since the start of the conflict have died. There are also 42 children among the victims. These are the latest data (updated to April 19) on war crimes committed by the Russian army during the occupation, which the Ukrainian online newspaper Zerkalo Nedeli obtained from judicial sources and published. “Immediately after the release, investigations began in all the cities of the region, conducted by the police and security service, under the coordination of the Prosecutor’s Office. When a body is found, the officers send it to the coroner to verify the cause of death: from the sixty autopsies that were carried out in a single day, it emerged that 39 people died from a gunshot. The remaining 21 due to mines or shrapnel “, Inna Vedernikova, journalist of Zerkalo Nedeli, explains to Adnkronos. Born in Siberia and raised in Donbass, Vedernikova moved to Bucha in 2008, where she lived until a month before the Russian invasion. Due to the war, she is now in Warsaw, where she fled with her elderly parents and young son, but she too from Poland is following the progress of investigations into what happened in the city where she lived for. 14 years. “Knowing the number of victims that have been in Bucha and reading what is declared by the Russian media and by Putin himself, from a political point of view I would define it as ‘genocide’; but from a legal point of view, to be able to call it that, we need to collect evidence and conduct an investigation “, underlines the journalist, who also recommends patience in the columns of her newspaper, while the investigations into the massacre continue. “After the shock of the mass murders – he explains – now we talk about the victims: their names are discovered, we talk to the witnesses and reconstruct the circumstances and causes of their death. It is a long job, which requires time and dedication “. Two hundred corpses have not yet been recognized and two hundred are also reports of missing persons in the Kiev region. “But we know very well that these are not the actual numbers, because many have gone abroad or some have not yet filed a complaint”, underlines Vedernikova, convinced that what “has already been discovered and is still being discovered in the Kiev region. is just the tip of the iceberg, because we do not actually know what is happening in Mariupol and how many victims there are. We are talking about 20 thousand, but we do not know exactly. Likewise we do not know the real number of deaths in Kharkiv and Chernihiv and we do not know what is happening in the still occupied territories, where mass disappearances of people who oppose the occupation are confirmed. Under the rubble, then, there are people who have not yet been found. This will be the second wave and the ‘iceberg we will have to deal with “. A scenario in which the honor awarded by Vladimir Putin” for heroism, perseverance and courage “to the 64th brigade of motorized riflemen, what was stationed in Bucha, sounds like “a strong signal of the very high level of cynicism and the confirmation – which everyone should understand – that Putin is not playing, he is serious: for Russia it is not acceptable a Ukraine that independently chooses its own Street. Maybe they just want to kill us or maybe they want to enslave us, a word impossible to pronounce in the 21st century, but if we look at the state of society in Russia it is clear with what meaning I use it “, concludes the editor of Zerkalo Nedeli.