Russia: “The aim is to control Donbass and southern Ukraine”

Ukraine-Russia war, the goal of the “second phase” of the Russian army’s “special operation” is to take “full control of Donbass and southern Ukraine”. This was stated by General Rustam Minnekayev, deputy commander of the Military District of Central Russia, quoted by local media. Read also According to the general, the Moscow forces aim to create a corridor connecting the Donbass to the Crimea, annexed by Russia in 2014. “Since the beginning of the second phase of the special operation, a phase that began two days ago, one of the objectives of the “Russian army is to establish full control over Donbass and southern Ukraine. This will allow for the establishment of a land corridor to Crimea,” the general said. British intelligence reported yesterday in its daily report on the conflict. Russia wants to demonstrate that it has achieved important successes in view of May 9, when Victory Day is celebrated, and for this reason it could increase and intensify operations in Ukraine. Russian forces are now advancing into the eastern Donbass region towards Kramatorsk, which continues to suffer heavy attacks, he added.