VIDEO – The passenger on the plane provoked. Mike Tyson attacked him! – SPORT.SK

today 10:25 | Mike Tyson (55) last appeared in the ring in November 2020 in a closely watched exhibition with Roy Jones Jr. To this day, the youngest heavyweight champion and one of the best shepherds in history has confirmed that there is still fire in him. Read also VIDEO: Beyond expectations. Mike Tyson clearly surpassed Roy on his return at the age of 54 … Most recently, he was thrown on board and burned by a provocative passenger. According to TMZ, he first took a photo with the boxer sitting in front of him, but then he disturbed him with constant remarks and leaning into his personal space. According to witnesses, Tyson warned him politely at first. However, the passenger continued. The available video opens up space to debate whether he is drunk or simply just rude and stupid. According to Tyson’s spokeswoman, the situation culminated in a thrown bottle. In any case, the boxer slammed into the boxer, turned to the provocateur, and showered him with blows. The passenger walked around with bloody scars on his face. The author of the video is his friend. The video is edited as intended and does not capture the entire course of the incident, especially the not thrown bottle, or the moments before Tyson’s attack. Police in San Francisco confirmed to TMZ that they had detained two people involved in the incident. One person was treated for “life-threatening injuries.” According to the police, this person “provided minimal details about the course of the incident and refused to cooperate in the further investigation”. JetBlue has not yet commented on the incident. Police released Tyson after writing the minutes, and the investigation continues at large. The mentioned portal brought shots of boxer taking pictures with (already normal) fans a few hours after the attack. Also read Keep your hats on. Mike Tyson announced revenge with a legend he wanted to “eat …