Mariupol, “anti-bunker bombs on Azovstal steel mill”

Ukrainian War, “all the buildings in the Azovstal territory are practically destroyed. (The Russians, ed.) Drop heavy bombs, anti-bunker bombs that cause enormous destruction. We have injured and died inside the bunkers. Some civilians are trapped underneath. the collapsed buildings “. This is the testimony collected by the BBC of the deputy commander of the Azov Battalion, Svyatoslav Palamar, who is in the besieged Mariupol steel plant. Read also “I always say that as long as we are here, Mariupol remains under the control of Ukraine,” said Palamar, who when asked how many Ukrainian fighters were still in the city replied “enough to repel the attacks.” “After 52 days of siege and heavy fighting, we are running out of medicines. And we have the bodies of our fighters that we must bury with dignity in the territory controlled by Ukraine “, added Palamar, according to which” with regard to surrender in exchange for a route safe exit for civilians, I hope we all know who we are dealing with. All the guarantees, all the declarations of the Russian Federation are worth nothing. “In the Azovstal steel plant there are about a thousand civilians, including women, children and the elderly, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereschuk had made it known, who on Telegram addressed the international media directly, to clarify the obstacles to evacuation from the city under siege and deny the version of Moscow spokesmen “who are not ashamed to lie and say that the humanitarian corridor has been provided, but our civilians do not want to use it.” “The Russians – explained Vereschuk – have provided a corridor for the military surrender, but we we do not need it, because our military does not want to surrender “and” they refuse to open a corridor for civilians, cynically pretending not to understand the difference between a corridor for military surrender and a humanitarian corridor for evacuating civilians, but they understand everything, they are just trying to exert further pressure on our military “.” It is important – underlined the deputy prime minister – that the international media clearly understand the truth: the Russians are afraid to storm Azovstal, but at the same time are consciously and cynically blocking the release of civilians from Azovstal, thus seeking to exert further pressure on our military. ” Finally, the appeal “to world leaders and the international community to immediately make every effort to open a humanitarian corridor from Azovstal for women, children and the elderly”. Intelligence Gb: “Decision not to attack Azovstal to limit losses” Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced to besiege the Azovstal steel plant rather than attack it because he considers it more appropriate to move Russian forces from Mariupol to other areas of eastern Ukraine. This was revealed by British Intelligence, according to which, the reason behind the choice would be the awareness that an assault would mean heavy losses. According to European Truth, citing the London reports, “Putin’s decision to block Azovstal probably indicates a desire to contain the Ukrainian resistance in Mariupol and release Russian forces to engage elsewhere in eastern Ukraine”.