Recall of Kinder chocolates: 42 cases of salmonellosis identified in children in France, including 13 hospitalizations

Public Health France published, Thursday, a national update on the epidemic linked to the consumption of products manufactured in a Belgian factory of the Ferrero group. Article written by Published on 04/22/2022 08:10 Updated on 04/22/2022 08:15 Reading time: 1 min. Three new cases in four days. The salmonellosis epidemic linked to Kinder brand products has affected 42 children since the beginning of the year, reported Public Health France, Thursday April 21, in a situation update stopped the day before. Of all the cases, 32 children could be questioned and all declared having eaten chocolates from the Ferrero group before the onset of their symptoms. “Thirteen people have been hospitalized for their salmonellosis, all since discharged,” adds the public body, specifying that the epidemic has not caused any known deaths at this stage. The median age of infected children, both boys and girls, is 3 years old. The two most affected regions are Ile-de-France and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, with seven cases each, ahead of the Grand-Est, with six cases. According to Public Health France, the recalls of the products concerned “should limit the occurrence in France of new cases of salmonellosis in the coming days / weeks”. The list of chocolates not to be consumed is available on the website of the Ministry of the Economy. Share: Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share by email Share link