LIVE – Ukraine: the Ukrainian army still controls 20% of the city of Mariupol according to its deputy mayor – BFMTV

7:54Ukraine: deputy mayor of Mariupol says Putin continues to bomb the Azovstal factoryWhile the Russian army claims control of Mariupol, Putin would refuse to storm the Azovstal factory, where the last Ukrainian soldiers are entrenched, preferring to besiege it. A version refuted by the deputy mayor of Mariupol, Sergei Orlov, on BFMTV this Friday morning. The latter, on the contrary, claims that Putin is lying and that the factory continues to be bombed. morning, Sergei Orlov questioned the Russian version that Mariupol is completely under the control of Vladimir Putin’s men. of our city, but Ukraine controls the south and the adjacent territories. Another 20% of the city is controlled by the Ukrainian army”The deputy mayor also affirmed that there remain between 120,000 and 130,000 inhabitants in the city port in southeastern Ukraine, and that 21,000 civilians died. 4:13 Joe Biden announces new military aid for Ukraine This envelope includes “heavy artillery weapons, dozens of howitzers, 144,000 munitions as well as drones”, he stressed. In order to continue to provide military assistance to Ukraine, Joe Biden said that he was going to ask Congress for more funds. Washington also intends to provide an additional $500 million in economic aid to keep the Ukrainian government functioning Russia to seek to organize a mock independence referendum in the regions of Kherson and Zaporizhia which it occupies in the south of the country. “It’s not just to conduct a census. (…) It’s not to give you humanitarian aid of any kind. It is in fact to falsify a so-called referendum on your land, if the order to organize this comedy comes from Moscow”, warned the Ukrainian president.4 :12Hello everyone! And welcome to this direct follow-up to the war in Ukraine