Incidence rate by department as of Thursday April 21, 2022 in France – Sortiraparis

By Julie M. · Photos by Julie M. · Published on April 21, 2022 at 7:15 p.m. The incidence rate by department is an indicator to be followed very closely to follow the evolution of the epidemic. We discover together the incidence rates of each department on Thursday, April 21, 2022. The indicator to follow closely at the moment is the incidence rate of each department. Indeed, it makes it possible to estimate the share of infected people in each department and it corresponds to the number of people tested positive over the last 7 days out of 100,000 inhabitants. Find below the incidence rates by department on Monday April 18, 2022. We have noted in red the departments for which the incidence rate is greater than 200 per 100,000, in orange the departments for which it is between 50 and 199 per 100,000. We have highlighted in green the departments for which the threshold is below the alert threshold set at 50 per 100,000. The overall incidence rate in France on Monday April 18, 2022 (consolidated data) reached 943.81 cases per 100,000 inhabitants during the last 7 days. 01 — Ain — Bourg-en-Bresse 1,025.0 02 — Aisne — Laon 908.8 03 — Allier — Moulins 1,115.6 04 — Alpes-de-Haute-Provence — Digne-les-Bains 1,072.1 05 — Hautes- Alpes — Gap 814.1 06 — Alpes-Maritimes — Nice 820.0 07 — Ardèche — Privas 1,106.8 08 — Ardennes — Charleville-Mézières 1,118.1 09 — Ariège — Foix 946.9 10 — Aube — Troyes 823.2 11 — Aude — Carcassonne 990.3 12 — Aveyron — Rodez 966.4 13 — Bouches-du-Rhône — Marseille 951.6 14 — Calvados — Caen 1,121.6 15 — Cantal — Aurillac 1,210.7 16 — Charente — Angoulême 771 ,7 17 — Charente-Maritime — La Rochelle 784.3 18 — Cher — Bourges 975.4 19 — Corrèze — Tulle 1,014.8 2A — Corse-du-Sud — Ajaccio 1,342.8 2B — Haute-Corse — Bastia 1,184, 6 21 — Côte-d’Or — Dijon 1,095.2 22 — Côtes-d’Armor — Saint-Brieuc 973.9 23 — Creuse — Guéret 769.8 24 — Dordogne — Périgueux 884.4 25 — Doubs — Besançon 912, 0 26 — Drôme — Valence 1,120.5 27 — Eure — Évreux 898.6 28 — Eure-et-Loir — Chartres 1,003.7 29 — Finistère — Quimper 1,054.4 3 0 — Gard — Nîmes 987.6 31 — Haute-Garonne — Toulouse 1,011.6 32 — Gers — Auch 907.2 33 — Gironde — Bordeaux 768.3 34 — Hérault — Montpellier 994.4 35 — Ille-et-Vilaine — Rennes 1,000.5 36 — Indre — Châteauroux 833.1 37 — Indre-et-Loire — Tours 914.5 38 — Isère — Grenoble 1,056.1 39 — Jura — Lons-le-Saunier 1,073.9 40 — Landes — Mont- de-Marsan 844.7 41 — Loir-et-Cher — Blois 974.6 42 — Loire — Saint-Étienne 943.5 43 — Haute-Loire — Le Puy-en-Velay 954.6 44 — Loire-Atlantique — Nantes 904.6 45 — Loiret — Orléans 937.5 46 — Lot — Cahors 968.4 47 — Lot-et-Garonne — Agen 646.9 48 — Lozère — Mende 901.9 49 — Maine-et-Loire — Angers 896, 5 50 — Manche — Saint-Lô 1,034.3 51 — Marne — Châlons-en-Champagne 921.7 52 — Haute-Marne — Chaumont 925.8 53 — Mayenne — Laval 860.6 54 — Meurthe-et-Moselle — Nancy 817.8 55 — Meuse — Bar-le-Duc 732.2 56 — Morbihan — Vannes 928.0 57 — Moselle — Metz 793.1 58 — Nièvre — Nevers 1,105.7 59 — Nord — Lille 890.3 60 — Oise —Beauvais 8 41.3 61 — Orne — Alençon 961.3 62 — Pas-de-Calais — Arras 883.6 63 — Puy-de-Dôme — Clermont-Ferrand 1,193.8 64 — Pyrénées-Atlantiques — Pau 665.3 65 — Hautes -Pyrénées — Tarbes 709.8 66 — Pyrénées-Orientales — Perpignan 1,025.9 67 — Bas-Rhin — Strasbourg 884.4 68 — Haut-Rhin — Colmar 749.1 69 — Rhône — Lyon 945.0 70 — Haute-Saône — Vesoul 955.4 71 — Saône-et-Loire — Mâcon 1,092.7 72 — Sarthe — Le Mans 907.7 73 — Savoie — Chambéry 900.2 74 — Haute-Savoie — Annecy 731.8 75 — Paris — Paris 912 .0 76 — Seine-Maritime — Rouen 1,014.2 77 — Seine-et-Marne — Melun 982.6 78 — Yvelines — Versailles 955.5 79 — Deux-Sèvres — Niort 934.4 80 — Somme — Amiens 1,039.0 81 — Tarn — Albi 891.7 82 — Tarn-et-Garonne — Montauban 984.7 83 — Var — Toulon 978.0 84 — Vaucluse — Avignon 908.2 85 — Vendée — La Roche-sur-Yon 962.7 86 — Vienne — Poitiers 893.0 87 — Haute-Vienne — Limoges 702.3 88 — Vosges — Épinal 787.7 89 — Yonne — Auxerre 1,031.0 , 90 — Territoire de Belfort — Belfort 8 32.0 91 — Essonne — Évry 908.1 92 — Hauts-de-Seine — Nanterre 894.9 93 — Seine–Saint-Denis — Bobigny 540.0 94 — Val-de-Marne — Créteil 867.2 95 — Val -d’Oise — Cergy-Pontoise 776.5 971 — Guadeloupe — Basse-Terre 517.9 972 — Martinique — Fort-de-France 398.0 973 — Guyana — Cayenne 130.7 974 — Réunion — Saint-Denis 1,479 .6 976 — Mayotte — Dzaoudzi 17.5