Korean Peninsula: Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in exchange friendly letters

Published on: 04/22/2022 – 05:24 According to Pyongyang, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un spoke with outgoing South Korean President Moon Jae-in, whom he has met three times in recent years, and commended the efforts of the latter for a better relationship between the two neighbours. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un thanked outgoing South Korean President Moon Jae-in for his efforts to improve relations between the two countries, official North Korean media reported on Friday (April 22nd). The “Blue House”, seat of the presidency in Seoul, confirmed that the two leaders exchanged friendly letters, but did not reveal the details. This unexpected gesture comes at a time when Seoul and its allies suspect Pyongyang of preparing to resume its nuclear tests after carrying out an unprecedented series of missile tests since the beginning of the year. Moon Jae-in’s successor, Yoon Suk-yeol, who takes office on May 10, has pledged to take a tough line on Pyongyang. Negotiations stalled Moon Jae-in met with Kim Jong-un three times and contributed to talks between the North Korean leader and then-US President Donald Trump. what North Korea would be willing to give up in return. Since then, Pyongyang has called the South Korean president a “poor mediator” and destroyed the inter-Korean liaison office located on its soil, one of the symbols of detente on the peninsula which had been financed by Seoul. In March, for the first times since 2017, North Korea has launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), breaking a moratorium it has observed since 2017. “Hope for the Future” On Friday, KCNA, the news agency North Korean official press said that Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in believed that inter-Korean relations would grow if the two sides “hopefully make constant efforts”. Kim Jong-un also said that the “historic” summits with Moon Jae-in gave people “hope for the future”, KCNA added. Kim Jong-un “appreciated the pains and efforts exerted by Moon Jae-in for the great cause of the nation until the last days of his mandate”, she underlined, specifying that this exchange of letters between the two men “demonstrates their deep trust”.With AFP