Tesla records record results despite logistical difficulties – Automobile Propre

Despite an unfavorable context, Tesla recorded record results in the first quarter of 2022. This is easily explained with the manufacturer’s figures. The international context is extremely unfavorable to the automobile market, between shortages and logistical difficulties. The prices of raw materials are rising, and some parts are missing to complete the production of the cars. However, Tesla managed to compensate for these difficulties, and took the opportunity to sign record results in the first quarter of 2022. The electric car manufacturer recorded a 68% increase in its deliveries compared to the same period in 2021. These are a total of 310 048 cars that Tesla was able to deliver in the first quarter. Thanks to this increase and the increase in the price of its cars, the brand’s turnover increased by 81% in one year. This amounted to 18.76 billion dollars for the first three months of the year. Tesla’s net profit hit $3.3 billion, seven times more than last year. Well above the predictions, which envisaged a profit of 2.2 billion dollars. Tesla, however, faces logistical problems, with still shortages of semiconductors, which affect the entire automotive market. In addition, the brand has to deal with resurgences of Covid-19 cases, particularly in China. The Gigafactory in Shanghai suffered almost three weeks of production stoppage and the latter resumed only this week. Elon Musk revealed that the logistical problems are expected to last at least until the end of 2022.