Stings in nightclubs in Béziers: the prosecutor encourages people to get tested as soon as possible

Heavy prison sentences are incurred by the perpetrator or perpetrators of these facts, recalled Raphaël Balland, the public prosecutor of Béziers. “Under the authority of the Béziers public prosecutor’s office, a flagrant investigation was entrusted on Sunday April 18 to the Béziers police station in co-referral with the territorial management of the Montpellier judicial police”, confirmed the public prosecutor. by Béziers Raphael Balland. To read also: Worrying bites in a nightclub in Béziers: “My legs have dropped”, Arthur, 18, recounts his terrible evening Investigators are working on the possibility of administration of harmful substances following complaints filed by young people girls and young men, some minors. “Victims who claim to have been bitten by an unidentified object while they were in two night establishments in Béziers on the night of April 17 to 18. These bites located in different parts of the body (thighs, buttocks, ankles , arms, shoulders, back) caused in the victims mild symptoms of different natures: hot flashes, nausea, malaise or loss of balance. To date, 10 complaints have been filed over two weekends. To read also: Mysterious stings in nightclubs in Béziers: managers and victims give their point of view Screening advised their home, or the nearest hospital center”, further insists the prosecutor Balland. This is to take immediate urine and blood samples to determine if they have actually been victims of the administration of a harmful substance. Indeed, some substances such as GHB nicknamed “the date rape drug” are no longer detectable in the human body after just a few hours. To read also: Drug bites in nightclubs: from Béziers to Grenoble, the worrying phenomenon is gaining momentum The administration of harmful substances, incurs its author a sentence of up to three years in prison . The penalties are increased according to the physical consequences and the circumstances and in particular the use of a needle (weapon by destination), the premeditation inherent in such facts or even if several people have acted together, as perpetrators or accomplices, the penalty incurred up to 7 years’ imprisonment, or even 10 years’ imprisonment in the event of total incapacity for work for more than 8 days. Even in the absence of administration of any substance, the author of an injection incurs a three-year prison sentence.