PHOTOS | 8 facts about the moors and their biodiversity

(CNN Spanish) — The moors are located at a height of between 1,500 and 5,000 meters above sea level. His landscapes are cold and gray, cloudy. There, temperatures can range from 0º C and rise to 23º C, and historically it is a humid landscape, and they are in a few countries such as Venezuela, Panama, Costa and Peru, but the largest area of ​​paramo is in Colombia. The Páramo de Sumapaz, the largest in the world, is home to a particular plant: the frailejones, which are natural water factories. In Colombia, approximately 60% of frailejone species are at risk, according to a book by the Humboldt Institute. The páramo ecosystem is home to “enormous and unique biological diversity” and is considered the most biodiverse high-mountain ecosystem on the planet, according to research by the Humboldt Institute, a Bogotá-based think tank dedicated to research of biodiversity. (Credit: Nathaly Triana/CNN) About 50% of the world’s páramos are in Colombia, with the world’s largest páramo located in the town of Sumapaz, a rural area of ​​Bogotá, which for many years was an almost inhospitable place due to the armed conflict. (Credit: Nathaly Triana / CNNEE). Frailejones are a vital part of the páramo ecosystem. They are considered “water factories” because they capture the clouds or the abundant mist in the air and drop by drop they take it to the ground, in lands composed of superabsorbent mosses that help retain water. (Credit: Nathaly Triana / CNNEE) 60% of the species of frailejones in Colombia (55 of 90 recognized species) are threatened and the species is at “imminent risk” of disappearing if the necessary measures are not taken, according to research by the Institute Humboldt. The transformation of the páramo habitat implies that the coverage of the páramo is lost and that it is replaced by grasslands for livestock or by any other cover. The dangers for this ecosystem are in the use of land for livestock, extensive agriculture, forest burning, among others. (Credit: Nathaly Triana / CNNEE) The thorny broom is one of the strongest threats to the soil of the Páramo. It is an endemic plant that grows and reproduces faster than frailejones. “It is an invasive plant… that contrary to everything the ecosystem does, of sharing water with us, it appropriates it and keeps it for themselves,” Gonzalo Sánchez, an environmental activist and leader of the nature reserve, told CNN. the Happy House, in Sumapaz. (Credit: Nathaly Triana)