A prominent lawyer spent the night in a cell: Investigator Marek Paru accuses of helping a criminal group! – Topky.sk

According to the resolution on the indictment of the prominent lawyer Marek Par, which Topky has at his disposal, it follows that the accused Para deliberately helped the members of the criminal group. “The group was formed at least since 2012 and was created by Norbert Bödör with the cooperation of Tibor Gašpar and others, where the aim of this group was to commit especially crimes of corruption, abuse of power by public officials, threats to confidentiality and reserved facts, unauthorized handling of personal data , in order to directly and indirectly obtain financial and other benefits for its members, “the resolution said. According to the investigator, Marek Para was supposed to deliberately create a situation in the summer of 2016 that would allow the prosecutor of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the General Prosecutor’s Office, Vasil Špirek, to be prosecuted. Its aim was to prevent the performance of supervisory activities by the prosecutor, at least in the criminal case, which concerned the supply of information technology for the Ministry of the Interior. The defenders of Robert Kaliňák and Robert Fico, David Lindtner Para, were supposed to use the businessman Ľubomír V., who was being prosecuted for tax crime at the time. He was to provide Špirek with information on the possible misuse of European Union funds within the competence of the Ministry of the Interior. Later, Para was to file a criminal complaint against Špirka. Photo gallery (3) Source: Topky / Vlado Anjel According to the investigator, the lawyer wanted to prevent Špirek from supervising criminal matters. This also happened, and according to the resolution, the cases concerning BA HAUS and TEMPEST were removed from the prosecutor’s supervision. “At least Marek Para, accused of the above-described conduct, intentionally helped the members of the criminal group not only to cover up the activity or prevent its detection, but also, through his actions, helped to strengthen its position, influence and continue to make a profit,” the investigator writes in the resolution. charges. Testified by Máko, Slobodník and Špirko Špirko stated in his statement that he knew Marek Paru only within the legal representation of the accused Ľubomír V. and met him only in court and at the time when he conducted the interrogation of this accused. “Subsequently, the witness describes the situation that occurred after his first indictment in 2016, when he was in Košice with his mother. An unknown number called his mobile phone at the time and the person introduced himself as Marek Paru’s father. This person began to apologize to him. that he is terribly sorry for what his son did, “the investigator quotes Vasil Špirek’s statement. The penitent Ľudovít Makó, who was asked by the investigator about the position of Marek Paru in the alleged criminal group, also testified about the case. According to Makó, Peter Hraško coordinated matters between the Office of the Special Prosecutor’s Office and the National Criminal Agency, on the basis of which he provided information to Marek Par. He didn’t know more about him, only that Dušan Kováčik said that they had incorporated Mr. Para into the whole, and he had to verify that Špirko had done something illegal. “He has this information from meetings, whether with Peter Hrašek, Dušan Kováčik, or from joint meetings, which were also attended by Tibor Gašpar and Norbert Bödör, he thinks that Bernard Slobodník and this information also communicated with each other,” in the indictment resolution. Record from the hunting lodge The secured documents also included transcripts and video-audio recordings from the mediated hunting lodge. According to the resolution, the investigator also indicted Pavol Gašpar, the son of Tibor Gašpar, in relation to the hunting lodge. He is accused of the crime of perjury and perjury. Photo gallery (3) Source: Topky / Ján Zemiar The investigator writes in the resolution that even though the Prosecutor of the Nitra Regional Prosecutor’s Office annulled the investigator’s resolution to initiate criminal proceedings for poaching on the grounds that the evidence is illegal and therefore unusable, in the current criminal proceedings use as evidence. In addition to records from the hunting lodge and others, the investigator also relies on Marian Kočner’s Three in the case of Marek Paru. According to the investigator, it can be assumed from the reports that Marian Kočner had information about individual proceedings, but also the work activities of Marek Paru. The resolution also contains a number of transcripts of messages from the encrypted Threema application. Twilight The National Criminal Agency detained Robert Kaliňák and Marek Paru on Wednesday morning. Kaliňák, according to police, was detained at his cottage. At his request, he was allowed to say goodbye to his family. Robert Fico is also accused, but they could not detain him, the National Council would have to agree. Robert Fico and Robert Kaliňák are represented by David Lidtner, Marek Paru is defended by Michal Mandzák. The two represented Marian Kočner. At the end of 2020, several former police officers were detained as part of the Purge action. Former Police President Tibor Gašpar, former NAKA chief Peter Hraško or former NAKA anti-corruption unit director Róbert Krajmer are no exception.