Fica’s accusation: Parliament has decided to consent to detention several times –

Apr 21, 2022 at 7:33 pm I Paid content In the case of Fico, the Special Prosecutor’s Office has already turned to the Attorney General. BRATISLAVA. The head of the Direction, Robert Fico, is not the first member of parliament whose decision to take him into custody. The article continues under video advertising. The article continues under video advertising. In the same case, the three-time Minister of the Interior from Fico’s governments, Robert Kaliňák, is also accused. However, the process is more complicated because he is a Member of Parliament, and his possible detention must first be approved by parliament before a judge can decide on the detention. A former Member of the SIS from the time of Prime Minister Vladimír Mečiar had parliamentary immunity due to the fact that Mečiar was dismissed as a Member of Parliament for the HZDS. , joked in front of the TV cameras, pulled out a toothbrush and declared that he was “mentally and materially ready” for detention. kou. The courts later ruled that it was illegal. (source: TASR ARCHIVE) Lexa went into custody for fears she would affect witnesses. He was charged in 1999 with several abductions, including the abduction of Michal Kováč Jr.. As deputy president in 1998, Mečiar issued an amnesty for the abduction. He fled and schudolLex protected his parliamentary immunity not only from detention but also from the prosecution itself. The broad immunity that the deputies had at the time also required the parliament to agree to the accusation of the deputy himself. As of mid-2012, such a procedure no longer applies. Parliament’s consent is no longer required to prosecute a Member. [email protected] so we can help you. “data-msg-btn-logout =” Log in as another user “data-msg-btn-close =” Stay logged in “>