First day without respirators, Slovaks do not agree with the cancellation: We will wear them until THIS DAY! –

We waited for 757 days for the moment when we put the veil off our faces. The Office of the Chief Hygienist introduced the obligation to cover the upper respiratory tract on 25 March 2020. This regulation was valid until 21 April 2022. From that date, we no longer have to cover our mouths in shops, schools, offices, cinemas or public transport. “The situation in connection with the incidence of COVID-19 in Slovakia has a constantly improving trend. Measures are also being relaxed. The main principles are that we compose respirators and cancel quarantine, “said Minister of Health Vladimír Lengvarský (OľaNO nominee). Many Slovaks could not wait for this day. In the mall, most shoppers walked without respiratory protection, which was an unusual sight after more than two years. However, many do not agree with the composition of the veils or respirators and want to continue wearing them voluntarily. “I don’t understand why they canceled it, because people are still dying, they should have left it. I will wear it, “retired Ivan told us. Young people are also aware of the importance of wearing veils. “It doesn’t bother me to have him. I want to protect myself, so I will continue to wear it inside, “Eliška (21) told us. “Everyone decides for themselves. I’d rather have it, it doesn’t bother me. Where there are a lot of people, in shops or on buses, I think they should still be worn, “Alexandra added.” I will continue to wear the veil because I am pregnant and want to protect myself, “explained expectant mother Janka (25). ). “In my opinion, it is still necessary to wear it indoors. We don’t wear a veil on the exterior, we enjoy fresh air there, “added Peter (35). Poll Will you still be protected by a respirator, even if you don’t have to? Yes, for example, I’ll put it on in the store. 36% Certainly not anymore. 47% I will see according to the situation. 17% Thank you Your vote has been counted Chief Hygienist Ján Mikas says that it is perfectly fine if you decide to continue to protect and wear a respirator in situations that you evaluate as risky. “Wearing this protective device is still important if you are going to meet the elderly, chronically ill, pregnant women or other people prone to infections or more severe illness. It is also important if you avoid risky places before visiting them, especially those where a large number of foreign people are staying, “said Mikas. The respirators should not be postponed even by their rock opponents. They are still mandatory in social care facilities, and only for visitors and staff in contact with the patient. In the same regime, this also applies in hospitals and other medical facilities. You must also put on a respirator in the doctor’s waiting room and in the pharmacy.Read also: The number of child psychiatric patients has increased: Younger and younger children have suicidal tendencies

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