“Partygate”: British MPs decide to open an investigation targeting Boris Johnson – Le Figaro

The British Prime Minister was already fined last week for breaching anti-Covid restrictions, by participating in a surprise drink for his 56th birthday in June 2020. British MPs decided on Thursday April 21 to open an investigation to determine whether British Prime Minister Boris Johnson knowingly misled Parliament in his explanations in the “partygate” affair. Read also”Partygate”: the Gray report criticizes Boris Johnson’s “errors” By consensus, without even formally voting, they decided to seize the “Privileges Committee”, which will in turn investigate this scandal around the parties organized in Downing Street despite the successive confinements linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, in a procedure likely to eventually force Boris Johnson to resign. Fine for a surprise drink The case, which had been on the back burner due to the war in Ukraine, was revived last week when he was fined for breaching anti-Covid restrictions by participating in a surprise drink for his 56th birthday in June 2020, becoming the first incumbent British head of government to be sanctioned for breaking the law. On the plane taking him for a visit to India, he repeated that he wanted to remain in office until the next legislative elections scheduled for 2024. On the Sky News channel, he assured that he “frankly has absolutely nothing to hide” in this affair, he regrets, “without end”. On Tuesday, Boris Johnson had repeated his “unreserved” apologies to MPs and the British, saying that it “did not occur to him” that this gathering, of about ten minutes at most according to him, ” may constitute a violation of the rules” then in force. SEE ALSO – “I paid the fine immediately”: Boris Johnson apologizes to Parliament for “Partygate”