Pharmacies faced with shortages of Doliprane capsules – BFM Business

Some pharmacies are out of Doliprane 1000 grams in capsule. No problem, however, to find the 500 gram format, the tablet version or equivalent drugs based on paracetamol. Doliprane is becoming increasingly rare on the shelves of pharmacies. More precisely, the Doliprane 1000 grams in capsule. For several months, the demand for this drug has exploded to the point of causing stockouts, reports La Dépêche du Midi. “There are tensions”, confirms with the regional daily a spokesperson for Sanofi, manufacturer of Doliprane. In question, the Covid which stimulated demand: “There has indeed been a strong demand for paracetamol and Doliprane for two years. . And it has increased further with the winter flu epidemic”, explains to BFM Business Philippe Besset, president of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France (FSPF). Do not panic however. Because if the tensions concern the Doliprane 1000 grams in capsule, customers can always fall back on the box of 500 grams. Even on the Doliprane tablet for which “there is no problem” of supply, assures Philippe Besset. Same thing for Dafalgan or Eferalgan, two other drugs composed of paracetamol: “There are plenty of them”, reassures the president of the FSPF. Paracetamol production repatriated to France in 2023 According to Sanofi, tensions over Doliprane 1000 grams in capsules should continue until the end of June. The pharmaceutical group that manufactures the drug imports paracetamol powder from Asia and then takes care of packaging the active ingredient in its factory in Lisieux (Calvados) where it employs 240 employees and on its site in Compiègne (550 employees) where it has increased its production from April 2020. However, France will start manufacturing paracetamol on its soil again from 2023, the pharmaceutical subcontractor Seqens announced last June, formalizing the launch of a new factory intended to ensure this production on its site in Roussillon (Isère). This announcement came a year after the presentation by Emmanuel Macron of a strategy intended to relocate within three years the entire production chain of this molecule, the essential nature of which was highlighted at the worst of the crisis. sanitary. The new plant will have a capacity of 10,000 tons per year. Its production will be absorbed by Sanofi with Doliprane but also Upsa (Efferalgan brand) which, like its competitor, has so far been content to package the active ingredient of this drug in France.