INFO THE DEPECHE. Two street-artists from Toulouse die mowed down by a subway train in New York

the essential Pierre Audebert, 28, and Julien Blanc, 34, two graffiti artists from Toulouse died on Wednesday April 20, hit by a New York metro train. In the middle of street art, there is consternation. The Toulouse artistic world is in shock. Pierre Audebert, 28, alias “Full1” and Julien Blanc, 34, aka “Jibeone” father of two young children died in dramatic circumstances, this Wednesday, April 20, in the morning in New York in the neighborhood from Brooklyn. They were hit by a subway train at Utica station. These two rising artists wanted to realize their dream by graffiti inside a New York subway. In the underground graffiti world, the achievement of this feat is highly valued, seen as an initiation rite. According to local police, it was the driver of a train bound for eastern New York who saw the bodies of the two young men as he returned to the Sutter Avenue-Rutland Road station in Brownsville. It seems that the two artists in residence at La pépinière in Toulouse were caught by a previous train. “I thought of them as brothers, I’m totally devastated” Both produced works internationally, recently in Morocco, Italy and Barcelona. They accompanied the famous graffiti artist Ceet-Fouad to the United States in the midst of a promotional operation: “As I had not heard from them since the evening before, I thought they had been arrested by the police. after being caught graffiti. When I saw on the news that two people had been hit by a train in the place they wanted to go. I immediately made the connection. I considered them brothers , I’m totally devastated by what happened.” In the middle of Toulouse street art, the news spread like wildfire. These two emerging artists were unanimous as much by the character as their personality. A tribute will be paid to them soon.