Ukraine, Vauro: “Controversy on instrumental and shameful Anpi”

” The controversies on the Anpi are instrumental and shameful. When there was the Resistance NATO did not exist so it is not clear why the Anpi should parade with the NATO flag. Furthermore, I would like to remind you that in Article 11 of the Constitution it is written that Italy repudiates the war and we have not been attacked so we cannot supply weapons ”. Thus the cartoonist Vauro Senesi at the Adnkronos on the controversies arising from the positions taken by the Anpi which refuses the presence of NATO flags in the parades on April 25 and who said that she was against sending weapons to Ukraine. “That article (article 11 of the Constitution, ed) was written by those who had to fight the war in the hope that it was the last of the wars – underlines the cartoonist – because beyond the real rhetoric on ‘heroism of the partisan war, those who participated in that war lived it as a drama. It is not nice to be forced to kill. The partisans did not go around challenging’ the beautiful death ” ‘.’ ‘The Anpi remained the only one of the few organizations that brings together people who live the values ​​of the Resistance and also try to practice them – continues Vauro -. Every form of dissent now becomes desertion. I don’t understand why now we all have to cheer for NATO. By chance – he says ironically – is it the same NATO that fought 20 years of war in Afghanistan and then ran away? Is it the one that bombards Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya? Which of these flags should we carry on April 25? ” And on the resistance in Ukraine Vauro co ntinue: “We want to say that the Ukrainians are like the partisans and do the third world war? I hope not! Ukraine has had a regular army funded by the Americans and the British since 2014 and so I don’t understand what that has to do with partisan resistance. Moreover – he says provocatively – I have never seen the partisans fighting alongside those who had the SS emblem on their uniform. I do not believe that there are good Nazis, I have remained a bit old-fashioned – he concludes ironically – I am talking about the Azov battalion, the Aidar battalion and the Dnipro-1 and Dnipro-2 battalions. I am not saying that Ukraine is Nazi but that there is a fair tolerance towards Nazism, yes. ” (By Alisa Toaff)