Doliprane out of stock in many pharmacies: how long will the shortage last? – West France

According to Sanofi, which manufactures Doliprane, tensions over stocks have been going on for several months already. Faced with an unprecedented increase in demand since the start of the pandemic, the pharmaceutical group had nevertheless increased its production as soon as Covid-19 appeared in the spring of 2020. According to La Dépêche du Midi, the shortage affects two products: capsules of 1000 mg and Children’s Liquiz. Coronavirus, flu, headaches during the winter… the health crisis and seasonal illnesses have led consumers to stock up on this drug, prescribed in the event of a diagnosis of Covid-19. In 2021, sales of its pain relief products increased by 7.2% (at constant exchange rates), to reach 1.1 billion euros. Also read. Shortage of drugs: a report recommends listing the most sensitive Nevertheless, despite an increase in its production, which has led its Normandy factory to release more than 15 million units of Doliprane every day in the form of capsules, suppositories or sachets, Sanofi couldn’t keep up. A return to normal in June 2022 According to the regional daily, the pharmaceutical company should soon write to pharmacists to limit orders of Doliprane to 720 units per pharmacy, pending a return to normal announced for June 2022. of the pandemic, the High Council of Public Health recommends using paracetamol to treat fevers and poorly tolerated pain. However, only Doliprane provides paracetamol in the form of syrup or liquid stick for children. Alternatives exist for adults: Efferalgan or Dafalgan are not affected by supply disruptions. Doliprane out of stock in many pharmacies: how long will the shortage last?