Maddie McCann, her photos to sell hamburgers: it’s controversial

“Disgusting”. “Offensive”. “Inopportune”. It’s blizzard over the Otley Burger Company after its owner, 29-year-old Joe Scholey, used Madeleine McCann’s photos to advertise takeaway burgers. The image of the English girl, who disappeared in a residence in Portugal in May 2007 when she was just over 3 years old, was published in a series of ads on social networks by the fast food chain, based in Leeds, on the occasion of the Mother’s Day. “With burgers so good, you’ll leave your kids at home. What’s the worst thing that could happen?”, The phrase that accompanied one of the posts that featured a photo of the baby’s mom and Maddie herself. Another post showed a man running around holding a picture of the baby as he said, “Hamburger for dinner? Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there!” The ASA (the Advertising Standards Authority) has announced that it had received three complaints and asked social media platforms – including Twitter, Instagram and Facebook – to remove content pending an investigation. The Otley Burger Company deleted the posts and made sure they would never appear again. However the owner, Joe Scholey, refused to apologize. “I don’t care if people are offended by these advertising campaigns. Some time ago I published one that brought in a lot of money. And I thought, why not do it again?”, He said, noting that following the incident he received. even death threats, but not to be particularly worried.